Natural lower back relief!

The BlissPatch can be applied to any area of the body that is in pain, and is especially helpful for herniated discs. Can be worn day and night with kinesiology tape for optimal benefit. A great addition to the medicine cabinet!
(Click on the image of the BlissPatch below to order.)
Historical References about the benefits of Quartz Crystals:
Pliny, an ancient Roman historian documented the use of quartz crystals by physicians for wound care. Hildegard von Bingen, a Saint and healer of the Middle Ages, in her writings on stones, listed abdominal relief among the beneficial applications of quartz.
Modern References:
“In ancient times, Quartz crystals were laid over minor injuries, as they were said
to speed the healing process and ease pain.”
"The rock crystal has soothing, purifying and healing effects on the arteries and blood vessels. It soothes the nervous system, whilst also stabilizing the cardiovascular system. The stone can also have soothing effects for headache, joint pain, back pain, menstruation discomfort and disc problems."
Med Bed Technology contains quartz crystals:
The BlissPatch is being sold at Hemp Apotheke and Prana Blessings, in Santa Fe, NM.
Remove BlissPatch before showering and replace with 4" of new tape.
Recommended Kinesiology Tape:
Tape with stronger adherence:
3M Durapore - Silk-like Surgical Tape (Hypoallergenic) 3"
Nov. 23, 2023
I conducted my own experiment on a sharp hip joint pain. I rested for a few days while using two BlissPatches taped over the joint, and additionally, draping the site with a BlissPatch Quilt. Occasionally I would add whole crystals over the pain site. From the beginning of using the BlissPatches the pain decreased, and within a few days of this treatment the pain ceased completely.
I wanted to tell you how remarkable your Bliss Patch Quilt is! My boyfriend, underwent two different medical procedures to help alleviate his low back and sciatica pain – both procedures failed. I told him to try the Bliss Quilt and, honestly, we were both a bit skeptical. He slept on it the first night and he felt less pain the very next day. He has been sleeping on every night since then. When I tried it on my small shoulder ache, I could have sworn I felt a healing kind of “buzzing” taking place. While his low back and sciatica pain is not gone yet, the Bliss Patch Quilt certainly makes the pain more bearable until we can find a permanent solution.
Thank you so much for creating the Bliss Patch Quilt! I’m not sure where we would be today if we had not tried it!
Best wishes,
J.S." 10/19/23
"I successfully used a BlissPatch to assist in the healing of my broken collar bone. The patch contains numerous individual small quartz crystals, which give it a greatly increased surface area compared to a single large crystal. This enables the patch to effectively conduct more healing atmospheric energy into the affected area. What a painless, comfortable way to get some healing energy into my shoulder! I can truly say that the healing time was probably reduced by at least a month. I was able to comfortably wear the patch periodically throughout the day and sometimes even at night. If you’re a fan of energetic healing, I would highly recommend Following Your (BlissPatch) and get several of these as an addition to your wellness and healing toolbox." R.F., M.D.
"I strained my shoulder while swimming and experienced severe pain for two weeks. A crystal patch was applied over my shoulder, provided by Dawn, and after one night the pain was completely removed." Dawn's Dad January 11, 2022
"I have an injured shoulder with severe arthritis in my AC joint. When it's hurting, I tape on a BlissPatch and it helps my pain!" J. G.
"These crystal pouches are amazing! My husband and I have used them on our low back and feet when we have had acute inflammatory pain. We applied the crystals to the area with adhesive and noticed a dramatic reduction in pain after one night. I'm not sure exactly how the crystals are reducing inflammation, but they are proving to be a great support for pain. Thank you Dawn!" G.B.
"A true life experience in the use of Crystals, by James M., Lyft Driver 12/4/2021
Last summer I turned 86 years old and now drive 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for Lyft. Two years ago I began to have extreme pain in my lower back and went to a spine specialist at the Presbyterian Hospital. After the exam of my X-rays it was determined that I had started arthritis in one of my vertebras and the Doctor suggested he give me a cortisone shot in the affected area. I had heard that the shot many times only lasted 6 to 10 months, and that I would be limited to how many times I could repeat the shots, so I asked the Doctor if there was any other directions I could go to relieve the pain. He prescribed Physical Therapy and sent me to the Presbyterian's Physical Therapy Clinic. There I met a Physical therapist that got me doing three daily exercises that strengthened my core muscles and over the course of a month treatment relieved the pain so that it became tolerable. I continued my exercises as given to me by my therapist, but I am now driving for Lyft 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and the back pain has returned so by the end of my 40 hours of driving, it has made me feel that I will no longer be able to continue driving the full 40 hour week. In my last visit with Dawn, I explained the return of my back pain. Dawn informed me she was now selling crystals and advised me to try them. I did not have any belief that they could work, as I felt there was NO scientific evidence that they would have any power over our body. Well, more to appease Dawn, I took some of her crystals and as per Dawn's instructions that evening I had my wife tape them to my lower back where the pain had become so strong. I did not think I would have any results immediately, thinking at best it would take a day or two, but to my surprise, within a few minutes, the pain diminished. With the help of New Dawn Crystals I may very well be able to continue my enjoyment of driving for Lyft on into my nineties."
Further research about Quart Crystal by Dawn:
Quartz crystals produce an electrical charge when compressed, called piezoelectric, and are known for their ability to receive, and transmit energy. To explain how an electrical element, such as quartz crystals, could have an effect on an injury, it is worth reading a scientific report presented by Forest Tennant MD, DrPH:
“administered electric currents or their derivatives have 2 attributes (1) regeneration of pain relief and (2) regeneration of tissue…
All bodily tissue contains electromagnetic energy. A fundamental to understanding electromagnetic measures is the pooling of electric charges around damages nerves. The pioneering works of Drs. Luigi Galvani and Carlos Mattemcci in the late 1700s and early 1800s demonstrated that damaged nerves emit electricity. If the wound is open to the air the emitted electricity merely escapes into the atmosphere. If the injury is under the skin, however, the emitted electricity will collect and pool around the damaged nerves as their normal flow or circuit is interrupted. It is axiomatic that if a nerve is damaged, its blood supply and lymph drainage system will also be damaged. This tissue damage therefore produces a pooling of electricity, blood products, lymph drainage, and inflammatory mediators. Basically, a pain site is a wound under the skin that is simply not visible. The pain site will become warm to the touch as inflammation, which is biologic waste heated by electricity evolves. Because pain is, to a great extent, caused by “pooled” or “trapped” electricity, a magnet or magnetic energy wave brought near a pain site causes the pooled electricity to mobilize…Temporary pain relief produced by an electrical current device is well established but it is less widely known that electrical currents and their derivatives may heal and regenerate tissue. It is this writer’s conviction that an electric current and its derivatives disperse pooled electricity and/or change the polarity of pooled electricity to reduce pain. Painful, pooled electricity can be either dispersed into the surrounding tissue or channeled into intact nerves.” ( Understanding Electromagnetic Treatments by Forest Tennant MD, DrPH, Nov. 30, 2011)
Again, quartz crystals are known to have electrical properties. As Josie Myers writes, “quartz can produce an electronic reaction. Minerals with this ability are called piezoelectric. The electrical reaction can be created by applying a charge, physical stress, or heat.” (What Quartz can hole Electricity or Energy, April 25, 2017. Josie Myers)
As we have learned from the Tennant report, a wound will produce pooled electricity, stress, and heat from inflammation. So, by placing quartz next to a wound, I logically would assume these stresses would thereby produce an electronic reaction in the crystal, thus becoming an “electrical current device”. When placing a BlissPatch near an injury, this would “mobilize the pooled” electrical energy, which would provide relief from inflammation. The patch provides the convenience of being able to carry crystals around as we tend to our daily lives.
The BlissPatch Story:
The concept for the BlissPatch originated in response to a personal injury. I had ruptured two lower back discs in October of 2018, which caused me to be bedridden in excruciating pain. A few months later, intuition prompted me to place quartz crystals on my injury, and immediately my back discomfort was reduced. After resting with the crystals overnight (which was rather uncomfortable!), I could feel significant improvement in the recovery of my discs.
I began to research the benefits of quartz crystals, and learned that indeed quartz has been used historically for such issues. This evidence prompted me to continue my own experimentation with creating a modernized crystal application. Necessity being the mother of invention, I designed a cotton fabric pouch that contained tumbled quartz pieces, so that the pouch could be comfortably worn both day and night.
After wearing two pouches on my back for a month, I was able to return to work, and after a few months my pain was almost completely gone. When the injury had originally occurred, my doctor had concluded from reading my MRI report, that I may not heal from my ruptured discs after two years. That I was able to do physical work after only a month of wearing the BlissPatch, was miraculous!
I continue to wear the patch to guard against reinjury. After a lifetime of suffering with disc problems, it's great to have the BlissPatch to rely on to maintain the health of my back. I wish to share this beneficial experience of the crystals with others.
Thank you Spirit for your loving guidance to assist with my recovery, and for the creation of the BlissPatch.
Crystal Maintenance:
The BlissPatch can be washed by hand, or machine washed (if put in a protective pouch),
then put in the sun or sunny window ledge to dry. The patch can also be put in a bowl of sea salt to cleanse the crystal energy.
202 Gold Mine Road, Cerrillos, New Mexico 87010, United States
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