Good thoughts
Good words
Good deeds
Revelations Chapter 2, 26 and 27
"And he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; And he shall shepherd them with a
rod of iron"
Purify the Self
This was from a vision of a presumed past life as a priestess, being cleansed with ceremonial smoke.
Easter of 2019, the Holy Sprit placed
a ball of light into my being.
September 29th, the New Earth
and a "Son" was born.
The Son was taken up to Heaven
with the Gods attending.
Unaware of this event, my daughter was shown in her dream that night that I had given birth to a son. The image was derived from Higher consciousness. My interpretation would be, that this depicts a woman clothed by the Sun.
A month after my Enlightenment, in October 2016, during a shamanic ceremony, the internal sky turned golden and when I went outside the midday sky was a pale yellow with numerous rainbows. This was witnessed by others, and the sky continued to be a hazy yellow for the rest of the day. A dramatic demonstration of the outer world being a reflection of the inner world and an example of God making His presence known.
The Virgin Mary figure is to be taken metaphorically. Although She had not appeared on this day, this likeness of Her witnessed in Argentina worked well artistically. I did call for Her assistance with the Virus in March, 2020.
December 20, 2020
The Holy Grail ceremony
Coming of the New Earth
and Aquarian Age
I am married with God and have become a Mary. August 4, 2022 I was told by Spirit "you are Mary with the heart of Jesus".
The annunciation of this was also spoken on 6/28/1997, after my third eye was opened.
September 7, 2019
During the night I dreamt of a man from the old world with upraised arms in praise of a golden light. This was a celebration and acknowledgement of the New Earth birth which would happen on September 29, 2019. A voice said, "give praise for the future".
Was this a visitation by the
Prophet Elijah?
Our current stock of crystals carry the energy of my own initiations into Christ consciousness. The BlissPatch is a collaboration with Spirit to assist others on their path of God realization. This is a platform that intends to give voice to the Infinite Creator. The material below is an attempt at representing what has been directly heard or experienced from Spirit, filtering out my ego as much as possible. Whether the interpretation has been done successfully is for the reader to decide.
During my kundalini awakening the summer solstice of 1997, the voice of God spoke to me about the coming prophesies, and the Plan to spiritually liberate humanity. I became a Mystery School initiate of the Goddess Isis, with my graduation occurring on March 21, 2021 during the Ascension ceremony. Following the Path of Vajrayana Buddhism, my Enlightenment transpired on September 11, 2016, which is a soul graduation from the 3rd dimension into the higher realms. Enlightenment, according to my experience was an explosion of the human particles into an expanded version of self, or Oversoul. The chakras exploded one by one like fireworks. My soul merged with the God force and sacred energetics were instilled into my spirit. Being in the energy of God was similar to the heat and golden light of the Sun, with an ecstatic feeling of Love. My new form became a giant Buddha and alternately, a Christ on his throne. Although I continue to have a 3-D body, the awareness of the Oversoul has become ever present.
This is the Divine quest of the soul, which yearns for this connection to God, at times unknowingly. We seek the perfection of the inner self so that the God force may fully merge with us to become One. The crescendo of this piece of music conveys the feeling of Enlightenment: It is an expression of the nobility of the human spirit to conquer all obstructions and enter into Glory.
In 1985, I was instructed by my guides of my spiritual destiny on Earth. I was first to understand the depths of evil in this world, so it may be overcome. It required many years of healing to release trauma from my childhood intended to prevent the spiritual awakening from happening. My regeneration was assisted by many healers, and I was prepared by many spiritual teachers including Tatar, Peruvian, and Mayan shamans. July of 2001, an emissary of the Mayan shamans came to North America to fulfill an ancient prophesy. A small gathering of northern shamans met beneath the Sangre de Cristo mountains for an evening fire ceremony. Our group was informed that for 500 years the Mayan shamans had held secret knowledge regarding this period of time from both the invaders and the anthropologists. Among the magical experiences took place that night, we had a blessing of the New Dawn and I was given empowerment.
The "Dawn" represents the Light breaking through the darkness bringing forth God's Hope. The Sun is inhabited by ascended souls that pour out Love and Light onto Earth, according to a direct transmission. The darkness wishes to confuse the soul in a mire of troubles, while the Sun will lead us back to salvation. In the Tree of Life metaphor, God is the trunk of the tree and we are existing at the tips of the roots. Believing we are independent beings in our playground of materialism, yet all the while being connected to the Divine Creator and to each other. We see darkness in the soil of Creation, and can choose the path of deterioration, or to become One with God. If we are too comfortable in our world of materialism, we forget to seek the Divine. Fear is a tool of the darkness to distract and confuse us, but it can also push us back to the Path. Meditation can bring us back to center, help us pierce the illusions, and heal us from generational trauma.
I have been blessed to bear witness to many of the scenes of Revelations, and the prophesies being fulfilled; Revelations chapter 12 has been accomplished. My life has been living proof that stories of Revelations are true, and therefore calls into question the scientific explanation for the universe.
We are moving into the Aquarian Age, and the more individuals who can hold the Light, the more harmonious the transition will be. At midnight December 21, 2020 God had spoken, "The ending of a cycle has occurred. This will now be a time of planetary abundance".
I have recently discovered according to the following passage, that December 21 2020, was a significant date for Divine energies, which was the day after I experienced the Holy Grail.
"The Cosmic Doors will open on December 21, 2020 as the Fifth Sun and the Mayan long count major calendar ended eight years ago, on December 21, 2012, and the Sixth Mayan Sun of the New Earth Dawned on that day...The Cosmic Gates will open on that day and the most powerful, unstoppable current in the history of 40 hertz Gamma LIGHT will crawl across the Heavens and flow freely across the planet."
When we are met with challenges, remain in Faith. To find Truth, it is recommended to sit quietly in nature, and go within to connect with the Divine. We are each being tested, as to whether we will choose service to self, or service to others path. Fully committing to one path or the other will speed up one's spiritual evolution. I have been told that it is necessary for all Earthly soul's to decide if they are to remain in the 3rd dimension or go thru ascension. Until such time, we are in an intermission.
Earth school offers an accelerated learning experience by way of the contrast of darkness and Light, or "good versus evil". Our every thought is an opportunity for spiritual growth.
God, and His Kingdom are watching over what is occurring on our planet; many Divine Proclamations are currently being enacted. We are in midst of the Battle of a Divine Play, designed to stimulate realizations for an awakening of the Spirit. Each human contains the Seed of God, and we are here to discover the Divine within. He is the Way, the Truth and the Light. Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven. All is Light and Love. Blessings to all, the Golden Age is ahead!
Thank you to my Divine teachers God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Tara, Quan Yin, Avalokiteshvara, Buddha, Padmasambahava, Maitreya Buddha, Vishnu, Krishna, Ganesh, Shiva, Hanuman, Brahma, the Council of Light, the Law of One, Ra, Isis, Osiris, and Zoroaster.
P.S. Although I was recruited by God for this role, I am a flawed human still learning life lessons. That I was chosen for this role has more to do with my willingness than worthiness. My willingness to endure ridicule from humans, yet continue to speak the Will of God. A willingness for self annihilation, if need be, for the good of the collective. A willingness to step aside from the current fixation with materialism, and into a relationship with Spirit. A commitment to listen to Spirit over human rationalism, and dive into God's great Ocean of the unknown. Ignoring the fears of death, insanity, and humiliation, which is the loss of self, we can receive the Teachings when we are fully open to God at whatever cost. To experience the presence of the Divine, it is exhilarating but also frightening because the Energy is so powerful, and also because selfhood dissolves in the process of merging with the One.
We are living a Dream, so why not make it interesting? The devil is just an agitator ball in the paint can, encouraging one to act; a midwife to the inner hero. Over the past two decades humanity has been under continual attack by the hidden hand of power. That
the attacks have escalated, indicates the successes of humanity and Spirit in raising the vibration of the planet. However, God is called the "Almighty" for a reason. He is the Grand Orchestrator of this Divine Play.
Holy Events and Lessons
Sunday January 2, 2022 Sun Ceremony
The Christ Child being held by the Virgin Mary presided over a ceremony for the rebirth of the Sun. Divine rainbow Light was poured down from the Heavens to bathe the Earth to assist with mankind's present difficulties, and to guide those who wish to continue along God's Path. Avalokiteshvara hearing the cries of the world appeared to give blessings.
Sunday January 16, 2022. Ra Ceremony
The Sun God Ra came down to Earth and made an evaluation. The Pharaonic rule of Osiris has been reestablished on Earth, and the "God system" has been implemented.
January 31, 2022 Christ Returns
I was told by God in 1997, when my third eye was opened, that a day would come when the "semi-trucks would stop running", as we are witnessing the Freedom Convoy happening in Canada. This has been the Day of Christ Returning to Earth to take His Throne, and the Coronation day of our Lord and Savior, (this was an internal experience of Christ that is accessible to everyone). A beautiful golden Cross surrounded by filigree and white light appeared above my head. I was asked by Spirit to look up and gaze upon its image. My immortal soul was implanted into my physical body and days later, I am still feeling the resonance of this alteration.
Words of the Divine: "Each person is another aspect of God, but everyone has the right to turn away from God. The way out of the prison planet is thru the process of Ascension".
Some of us have been playing the role of the "bad guy" on the service to self path, and now it is time to surrender our toys of destruction. We need not continue these games of intimidation, because we are all One self. If we try to entrap each other, we are entrapping ourselves. When we hurt each other we are hurting ourselves, and Love is the salve to heal all wounds. Now we need to come together as humans in loving forgiveness and heal each other. God's People must be freed from enslavement. Ultimately, this will be an individual process of spiritual awakening into Christ consciousness.
"Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were believed to be divine. In the coronation ceremony, the pharaoh was transformed into a god by means of his union with the royal ka, or life-force of the soul. All previous kings of Egypt had possessed this royal ka, and at his or her coronation, the monarch became divine as "one with the royal ka when his human form was overtaken by his immortal element, which flows through his whole being and dwells in it". This made him the son of Ra, the sun god, Horus, the falcon god, and Osiris, the god of life, death and fertility. From the Middle Kingdom on, the Pharaoh also came to be seen as the son of Amon, the king of Egyptian gods, until his cult faded in later centuries. At his death, the king became fully divine, according to Egyptian belief, being assimilated with Osiris and Ra."
King, Coronation, and Temple: Enthronement Ceremonies in History Stephen D. Ricks and John J. Sroka
"A central feature of nearly every ancient and medieval society was kingship-rule by divinely appointed kings-an institution whose origins are lost in the mists of time. In the view of the ancient Egyptians, kingship was coextensive in time with the world itself; 1 to the Sumerians, kingship was a gift of the gods. 2 Indeed, as one scholar has recently noted, "Chronicles of kingship from Egypt, to Mesopotamia, to Persia, to China, to Italy, to northern Europe, to preColumbian Mexico all trace the line of kings to the first king, a supreme cosmic deity who founded the kingship rites .... The accounts [of the creation] speak of a creator, a first man, and a first king-all referring to the same cosmic figure." 3 A central ritual associated with kingship was the coronation ceremony: that series of acts, performed in a temple or other sacred space, by means of which the king accedes to the throne and is endowed with the power and authority by which alone his rule is possible." pg. 236 "Rebirth rituals-which include acting as one who is new to the world... acting like a new born babe, being endowed with divine qualities, going through a burial ceremony, or simply being reawakened-are frequent concomitants of coronation ceremonies." pg. 246 file:///Users/Mac/Downloads/CH%2010%20King%20coronation%20and%20temple%20(2).pdf
Isis Unveiled, by Helena P. Blavatsky
"Whenever it is manifested, desiring to impress itself upon humanity in the shape intelligent to our intellect, whether we call it an avatar, a King Messiah, a permutation of Divine Spirit, Logos, or Christos, it is all one and the same thing. In each case it is "the Father" who is in the Son, and the Son in "the Father." The immortal spirit overshadows the mortal man. It enters into him and, pervading his whole being, makes of him a god, who descends into his earthly tabernacle. Every man may become a Buddha, says the doctrine. And so throughout the interminable series of ages we find now and then the men who more or less succeed in uniting themselves "with God," as the expression goes, with their own spirit..." pg. 63, 1972, The Theosophical Publishing House Abridgment.
Helena Blavatsky:
"The Buddhas are not gods, but simply individuals overshadowed by the spirit of Buddha-the divine ray." pg. 200, 1972, The Theosophical Publishing House Abridgment.
According to Ashayana Deane, the stylized Coronation Cross below, is an image of the open gate between all that God is and the smallest manifestation. It is seen at the top of the Stairway to Heaven, described as the Kristos and Kristalla and Holy Trinity.
May 7, 2022 Ascension into the Sun ceremony
The Sun Gods, including Quetzalcoatl, attended the ceremony to merge into the Sun, the Dawn. During another ceremony my soul was shown as having been born out from the Sun.
May 22, 2022. Becoming One with God
Days prior to ceremony, received spiritual lessons about the alchemical red and white. The intertwining of the masculine and feminine energies produces the caduceus and Enlightenment. As the ceremony began, I was informed that I was in the portal between Heaven and Earth, the Vesica Piscis.
Merging into the elements. Experiencing rainbow body, which aligned with each chakra merging into the colors. Red at base chakra corresponding to the red of the rainbow, next orange, yellow, green, turquoise, dark blue, purple of crown chakra.
Becoming One with the Universe by dissolving human form into the Cosmos; an interesting sensation of releasing fear, as I fully let go of the body's form.
The Sun emerged below the base chakra, producing caduceus energy upward, and had a Cosmic version of Enlightenment.
Vishnu embodiment and Hathor sky Goddess embodiment in the form of a cow, to balance out the shadow aspect of current human condition. 9/11 symbols appearing often, the Great Work is being accomplished.
The mission of this ceremony was to bring rain to extinguish the many local forest fires.
I became the individual rain drops of mini rainbows dropping over the town of Angel Fire where the fires were headed, very prophetic, indeed. I also was being given Divine instruction of how to shamanically call in the rains days before the ceremony. The flute is used to call in the clouds, and the rattle to make it rain. It worked! We have been blessed with beautiful rain, thank you Quetzalcoatl, Hathor, and Vishnu!
(10/28/2024. I have found from research that my embodiment may have been Vishnu and Lakshmi, as seen in the image below. In the beginning of a sacred session with McKenzie in 2011, there is a storm with rain and lightening. I was shown as a sacred cow wherein Divine milk is brought through. It was in this session I was also shown as a shepherd with a crook.)
June 24, 2022. Keys to Breaking Free from the enslavement system
I was asked on 2/22/2022 by Spirit to act as Host; this was introduced by an explanation of the meaning of the sacred Dome. The defined duties as Host by Spirit:
1.To protect the spiritual energies as Earth transitions into the 4th dimension
2.Act as a Host
which is defined by others as:
Recognizing God's Dominion
Announces Great Events
Proclaim's God's protection and presence
Protects the people from ruin
3. Be Host of Hosts
Guide others into Christ Consciousness
As for my qualifications for this role, I have completed the initiation process, although the initiations presumably continue until complete unification with Infinite Intelligence. I was appointed the Shepherd's staff, and was presented the excalibur. My soul has also been officiated into the Kingdom of Heaven. I have experienced God communing with me while in the form of a Cloud. If I may describe this moment, it was announced while in the Kingdom of Heaven, that God Almighty was descending. I could hear a pinging or ringing sound and felt a sense of great awe and honor as this was occurring. When God's energy was fully present, I spoke to Him of the earthly conditions and pleaded for His assistance, especially for housing the homeless.
This is not an attempt at self glorification, I am just acting as a messenger. I am also wanting people to know that these type of events actually do happen. They are not necessarily witnessed in the 3D world, but we have the capacity to experience them as we refine ourselves internally. I am documenting the Divine experiences for others to better understand the Ascension process.
Many of my ancestors were involved with Ministry, but I am unaffiliated with any organization. I was raised in an atheistic home so I did not identify with any particular religion. My spiritual journey has been God led, not of my ego. I have used my own intuition as my guide to Enlightenment. I have taken tips from written material and teachers, but I relied upon the internal Spirit to achieve all that has occurred. The internal guides present themselves in an organic process. The Gods introduce themselves thru vision, then begin to give instruction.
According to my own experience, there is no one way to become Enlightened. I took the quote, "if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him", as an approach. I was given indications from youth as to my life direction, but not until I came of age was I told by God who I would become, and this was confirmed by my spiritual teachers. I have had to learn to accept this role over time, because it is too unbelievable for the human ego to comprehend. To walk the Path demands strength of character by overcoming weaknesses; each fear must be overcome one at a time. Committing fully to God is trusting in the unknown.
Mostly, follow your heart thru the positive flow of energy. While having an Easter egg hunt, my Grandmother Adona would play the game of hotter and colder to find the remaining eggs. Similarly, an individual on the Path begins to sense where the "hotter" energy is directing them. It can be a random book that is opened to a random page that holds significant words. People are "messengers of Spirit", so note spoken words that resonate. Important messages may be conveyed thru music, numerology, or pictures; in other words, watch for the "Signs". It is similar to a rock climber searching for the next crevice for a handle. Artistic individuals are particularly open to spiritual downloads, because we exercise the part of the mind for the creative process. Spirit uses human curiosity as a method of bringing people to realizations. Unity consciousness wants us to have God realization, but it cannot force it upon us.
As the body is the Temple, its vessel needs to be internally cleaned. If a vase can be used as a metaphor, then the vase needs to be empty to be receptive to the Divine energy to fill it. The vase needs to be whole to hold the energy. The Holy Grail as illustrated above, is an example of when the body has been emotionally and spiritually prepared, it is then ready to be filled with Divine energy. Meditation can be a method of cleaning and mending emotional brokenness. Refrain from anger, stay internally balanced. "Fall in love" with the inner state of freedom. Keep climbing the mountain one step at a time, and eventually you will get to the top.
Much of what has been posted on this page are sacred Truths historically hidden from public view. Whether it is wise for me to be publicizing these Truths, is up for debate. I have refrained from giving too many details of the initiation process, as they differ somewhat from the common belief system. I do not want to cause disillusionment among the readers of this material, as each soul is allowed its necessary time for maturity.
Jesus differentiated between what was revealed to the awakened and the unawakened people. However, my temperament is one that prefers to cut through nonsense quickly. Because the dark side is committing great harm to the public attempting to lure souls into their agenda, we are in a difficult situation at present. I am speaking of the Divine Truths perhaps prematurely, in order to keep a balance of dark and Light. I am speaking directly from the Will of God, and the Will of God is that we disentangle ourselves from the mess we are currently experiencing. It is the Will of God that we all are Liberated.
Many souls are greatly suffering as they are materially, psychologically, and spiritually being tormented by evil. During my initial Enlightenment, Spirit explained that the people of this world have been conditioned to turn away from the Divine. Instead people were being indoctrinated to only believe in the material world, to prevent the destined spiritual awakening, and to keep the enslavement system intact. Therefore, many are deeply confused as to what to believe because we have been greatly deceived from birth.
In order to restore balance in this time of darkness, may I suggest the following to be considered:
Be led by Goodness, or "Godness".
Live without fear.
Let go of shame and guilt.
Understand that humility is a position of strength.
Recognize that we live out our previous thought forms.
Recognize reality is a staged play for soul growth.
Things are to be used as props, but do not provide true meaning for our existence.
Ask your ancestors to help in giving you direction.
Ask for the best version of yourself.
Know your soul is eternal even if the body is finite.
Humor is a great way to cut thru the insanity.
Shed the lies "like water off a duck's back".
See trauma as a means for the soul to break out of it's encasement.
Use negative experiences as "fuel" for ascension.
Be as flexible as water.
Be noble, speak truthfully.
Refrain from seeking approval from humans, as many are lost.
A daily practice can be to meditate on bringing white light into the internal body.
Visualize surrounding rainbow light around the Earth.
Contemplate the inner meaning of #1, One, and Won.
Use crystals to increase your vibration.
Use sound and light therapies for healing, the Dinshah Ghadiali lamp is recommended.
Be in gratitude and turn away from negativity.
Avoid extremes, find the middle way.
Externalize emotional pain into a symbol, and then let the symbol go.
Be careful what subjects and images you ingest.
Do an entity clearing.
See thru the illusions of the indoctrination.
Walk away from the perverted "systems".
Recognize that you are in all things, and all things exist within the self.
Balance the inner and outer self.
Shed the undesirable layers of self.
Become a vehicle for the Divine to enter.
Invincible strength lies in the Divine dimension, seek protection from Spirit.
Realize One is the voice and eyes of God.
Know that God is real and abiding.
Become aware of the synchronicities intending to awaken the inner Spirit.
Ask God to show the Way back to Him.
Our bodily vehicle has two internal channels, one that is the egoistic voice, and the other carries the voice of the metaphysical realm. Elevate the bodily vibration thru meditation and positive healing modalities; this will begin to protect the mind from dark influences. When we dedicate the self to the Light, we move in the direction of the Divine. As we turn down the ego voice, we can then more readily hear the Divine giving instruction. Fear and Love are two opposing forces, so as we let go of fear, we allow the Love to surround and come inside the self. Magically, our lives can be turned around, and the impossible made real, as we walk the Path. Each soul can become apart of the great Transformation, as we can embody the great Light of God on Earth.
The New Earth can become the Pearl Earth is meant to be, a shining Garden celebrating the beauty of God. We can raise ourselves from our present condition, as the Sun rises in the morning, if we keep focused on the Divine.
God's Authority Supersedes All
December 26, 2022
Queen of Heaven Ceremony
The energy is quiet and peaceful. Externally I experienced the Virgin Mary Crowning in her Triangle dress, internally Christ upon his throne bearing his sword. This is the esoteric meaning of why the Virgin Mary is depicted holding the Christ child, as the Christ is born internally in Mary. The male and female of aspects of self have come into union. This is why we are given lifetimes as a male and then as a female, so we may gain realizations from each. When we become balanced in both, we are then ready for our soul graduation into Enlightenment.
February 7th, 2023
Last week I had a dream I was in a limousine with my favorite world leader sitting next to me with his beautiful wife. I saw an image of beans and a giant beanstalk emerging from them. Upon researching the esoteric meaning of the fairytale of Jack and the Beanstalk, the meaning of the dream becomes very apparent. We are approaching a time of great fulfillment of Divine manifestation. Very exciting!
February 26, 2023
Earth 4th dimension protection ceremony. A request for our human liberation from slavery and lifting of our suffering as we enter into the New Earth.
I asked for Jesus Christ to speak to us, the answer was "I love my children". In the night I had a dream speaking of being baptized in the waters of the Grand Canyon.
March 7, 2023
Upon waking from my dreams, I was shown the face of Edward Cayce. I was prompted to read his prophecies on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Throughout the reading there are numerous similarities with my own experience of Christ consciousness. Wow!
I purposely do not do much research on spiritual subjects to keep the information pure. Only after a direct experience do I look for confirmation from the outer world. I am now in tears because I have just read in Cacye's writings the same words that I written on my facebook site. I am not allowed to quote him, but I will present my prose:
Spirit’s message on the Journey up Monte Sol June 8, 2020
Thank you for the ancestral souls and divine emanations guiding us at every moment through our lifetime from one stepping stone unto another.
We are a divine spark, a seed of magic, that springs forth to grow nourished by the elements of Light, water, earth, and air.
Signs and synchronicities guide us along our path.
When faltering chased by fear, the material world leaving us cold and empty, we are asked to seek upward to reconnect with Source; regaining strength and footing along our journey.
Then we come to understand we are both Nothing and All in One.
Choosing the Hero’s path, in a moment we are granted Enlightenment filled with the Christed Light returning to Source.
Cayce also makes reference to the Bhagavad Gita that is exactly matching what is written on the website August 2, 2022.
March 22, 2023, 3 AM
I wake from dreaming I hear, "God is raising His Temple".
March 31, 2023
I am now rereading The Law of One, by Ra series. I have found great benefit from this channelled work for my own process of Ascension.
During my kundalini experience I was told by Spirit that we were all One. I was also given the riddle of how the number one, won and one were correlated. My interpretation of this riddle is that 1 represents becoming the Arrow of God, and when we are One with God, we have Won.
May 24, 2023
The Divine energy of the One came down unto Earth. A compilation of the Gods descended in the form of a white candy cane of Energy. The God money system is being implemented upon Earth.
June 21, 2023 Solstice
Divine Sun crowns head. Divine cow brings down Word of God, through the Divine nectar. Quan Yin bestows her pearl of Wisdom. Submit the ego to Buddha.
September 2, 2023
Buddha is disseminating the teachings of taking refuge in the Divine waters.
To extinguish the internal fires caused by our clinging to selfhood,
we should seek equilibrium from the wisdom teachings.
Listen to the sounds from the stream along the Path.
Step into the cooling waters, the internal fires are calmed.
Each step finding a footing guided by Spirit.
Trusting fully in the Divine, one step is mastered directing the next, to become the future.
Highly recommended:
The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, by Tsong-Kha-Pa
The Sutra of Golden Light, a translation of the Suvarnabhasottamasutra, by R.E. Emmerick
Nov. 6, 2023
The One descended to Earth in a luminous shaft of white Light.
Christ entered with the Virgin Mary present. Tara, Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Padmasambhava, Isis, Osiris, Ra, Avalokiteshvara, Ganesh, Vishnu, Krishna, Quan Yin and Zoroaster in attendance.
Then the "Full Weight of God" enters in. There is a heavy energy pressed down upon me, such that my head bends downwards.
November 30, 2023
This fall during a time of inner strife, I went outside to meditate. The feeling of fear when faced with unknown outcomes, is a common human experience.
While sitting in contemplation, I noticed a sparkling thread which was being produced by a spider from one juniper tree. The thread dangled precariously extending by an air current. The spider in the tree had the intention of its thread to reach across a wide distance to meet another juniper tree.
This was an illustration from the Divine as to how nature works through complete, unquestioning trust. The spider trusted that its thread would reach across the chasm, not knowing whether the effort would produce a successful outcome.
So too as a human, I must envision what is the desired outcome, then entrust the Divine to assist me in the process forward. Letting go of fear, then listening as to how best to proceed, step by step. This is living in the flow of events without resistance.
Our Earthly existence at this time, is asking us to open ourselves to a total transformation from what is known into the unknown. How will this new existence come to be? Will we make this radical change successfully? Our belief in what is possible is being stretched to the limit.
The changes are unfolding like the petals of a rose, step by step, until we will reach it’s full bloom into the New Dawn.
December 1, 2023 Rebuilding the Temple
In my nightly dreams, I was able to instantly manifest my thoughts into a previously impossible action in the outer world. Was this an indication of our future human abilities?
A quote from my morning reading reminded me of a lesson received from the Divine. I was being shown the meaning of the virtue of straightness. In the cathedrals, the architectural forms emphasize straight lines in the many pillars and detailing. The robes of the saints hang in straight folds. These straight lines are an externalization of the internal quality of being truthful in thoughts, words, and deeds. Those who choose to defy the virtuous path become bent, as represented by zig zag lines. They bend back and forth not living by moral principles, creating a weak foundation on which to live.
To unify with God, we must walk the straight Path.
The Six Perfections:
Ethical Self-discipline
Mental Stability
Discriminating Awareness, Wisdom
December 3, 2023 Spiraling out of the darkness into the Light
"Satan, like a fisherman, has cast a net of delusion around all mankind and is continually trying to drag man toward the slavery of delusion, death, and finitude. Satan tempts humanity by his baits of greed, and promises of pleasure, and leads people to destruction and continuous painful reincarnations. He keeps souls, like fish, in the pond of finitude and spawns in them the consciousness of mortal limitations and desires in order to make them reincarnate on earth-again and again. As one desire is fulfilled, Satan insinuates into the consciousness new desires by ingenious temptations lest the soul escape his devilish earthly nets.
In a way, Satan provided a means, witlessly acting as the tool of God, to ultimately free souls from their mortal attachments. Reincarnation assures freedom, for it gives immortal souls ample time and opportunities to divest themselves of all false notions of earthly fulfillment and to realize through wisdom their already perfect divine natures. With the expiration of desires and karmic consequences from wrong determinations, they will be liberated." The Second Coming of Christ, by Paramahansa Yogananda, pg. 149
To shift from corruption into Godliness, first we harmonize energy into thought forms of Light. From visions, we use words to command the visions into Earthly manifestations.
Music has been traditionally used an important tool to direct society. Discordant tones, words, and visions misdirect, while harmonic sounds of beauty brings Grace. As we shed the discord of Hades, then we may find renewed strength from harmony. The creation of beauty heals the soul preparing for its ascension into greater heights.
Preparing the road to Shambhala
December 5, 2023
In honor of the great Buddha, a formal request has been made by the Kalachakra Tantra for Earth to enter into the Golden Age.
December 13, 2023
New light has been shed on the answer to the Divine riddle of the relationship between One, Won, and the #1. In retrospect of the above initiations in regards to the One, it is obvious that the #1 is referring to the Divine beam of Light. Therefore, when the beam of Light has come down to Earth, We have become One, and We have Won.
December 14, 2023
Envisioning the great city, the Holy Jerusalem
Revelations Chapter 21
Visions for the New Earth
Spirit has inspired the vision of eight Holy cities of sublime beauty inhabited by those devoted to perfecting the inner temple. The eight cities form the outer points of the dharmachakra.
Each city is dedicated to the worship of a major religion, such as, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islamic, Shinto, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. The Buddhist city would be the vision of Shambhala, the Christian city would be the vision of Holy Jerusalem, and the other respective religions, their own city of Holy perfection.
During certain days of the year grand celebrations are shared by all of the cities within the central Holy city which forms the hub of the wheel. God is there celebrated by all.
December 22, 2023 Brahman
On the winter solstice I awakened into my Brahman state.
Revelations chapter 21 speaks of the city of Holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God. This is a metaphoric description of the human body having been prepared by
self-mastery, receiving the energetic Blessing of God. The word “city” is to be translated as “siddhi”.
The 12 gates described are to be interpreted as 12 chakras to be opened to reach the highest level of Brahman. This is the raising of God’s Temple. The temple is the human body. We receive inner teachers, or apostles, to assist us with mastering tests of our character. For myself, my teachers have been, Christ, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Kalachakra, Vishnu, Osiris, Ra, Zoroaster, the Virgin Mary, Tara, Quan Yin, Avalokitesvara.
The 12 stones of precious jewels, are again metaphoric for the opening of the 12 chakras. When the opening occurs, the base triangle is met with the above triangle as represented by the star of David. This describes God descending down into the Holy Temple, the energy of God is very intense and heavy. The Tree of Life is a metaphor for the trunk being the spinal column and the branches and roots being the nerves expending from the spinal column. The Christmas tree is a representation of the Tree of Life. The shining balls are metaphoric for the opening of the 12 gates or chakras, to reach the top of the tree, which is state of Brahman. The star, or the Dharmodaya, is at the crown of the Christmas tree. When the Kundalini energy rises to the top of the tree, it produces fruits, or siddhis.
This is the state of experiencing the Holy Flame of God, for as one ascends fire is produced.
December 25, 2023. Christmas Day
When the activation began into the Brahman state,
a beautiful vision of Christ appeared upon His white Throne.
This is a day of great accomplishment for every being on this Earth.
We have all sacrificed for this Holy Day.
Thank you,
This video of Dolores Cannon's findings, closely align with my own understandings.
"Because the world has transgressed in defilements,
the Word must come down now." Spirit
December 28, 2023
"The senses were given to serve man with perceptions of God incarnate in matter, not for man to cater to their insatiable cravings-an innovation of satanic delusion. As the servants of man, the God-created senses, guided with discrimination, produce self-control, long life, health, and happiness. Controlled by the temptations of Satan, the senses enslave man in the misery of body identifications and soul forgetfulness."
The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda, pg.177
"Satanic delusion transforms perfect soul-angels into mortal devils, or at the least into individuals forgetful of their divine status. But even an ocean of sins cannot spoil the soul. Sin means error. Renounce the sin of ignorance and its delusive enticements of evil doings. Keep the heart free from jealousy, anger selfishness; love all persons unconditionally, in spite of their weaknesses-that is the way to become an angelic son of man, in tune with the angels and fully liberated sons of God."
The Second Coming of Christ by Paramahansa Yogananda, pg 212
We have entered a new era, what shall we do now?
I am very grateful to the band Haevn, as they have provided
great inspiration to persist in walking up the mountain.
We find comfort in the past, but must embrace the new.
December 30, 2023
"Degeneracy, lust, and passion, hates and fears, crept into the souls of Greece and Rome, and black magic overshadowed Egypt; the light upon the altar grew weaker and weaker. The priests lost the Word, the name of the Flame. Little by little the Flame flickered out, and as the last spark grew cold, a mighty nation died, buried beneath the dead ashes of its own spiritual fire.
But the Flame did not die. Like spirit of which it is the essence, it cannot die, because it is life, and life cannot cease to be. In some wilderness of land or sea it rested once again, and there rose a mighty nation around that flame. So history goes on through the ages. As long as a people are true to the Flame, it remains, but when they cease to nourish it with their lives, it goes on to other lands and other worlds."
The Initiates of the Flame, by Manly P. Hall, pgs. 5-6
Currently, we are faced with this dilemma. Will our nations fall under the weight of degeneracy, or will we by means of intuitive spiritual agility, be able to correct our collective faulty behavior patterns? This will be a great test for humanity. Internally, if we preserve what is healthy and good, and let go of that which does not serve, we can begin to restore our Temple, and thereby our nations.
The Hopi people have been keepers of the Flame for many centuries. They live closely to the Earth, in great reverence to Spirit and nature. They live simply, continuing their traditional celebrations, praying over their planted seeds, taking no more resources then needed. Their nation has by this humble conduct, successfully endured.
Constantly tormenting each other with fear, is not the Way; being compassionate and loving is the manner by which we strengthen bonds between people. Strong connections between people build strong families, and strong families build strong nations.
Restoring our reverence of God, nurturing that which is sacred internally and externally, creating beauty, we can rebuild the spirit within. As every person is in the process of reemergence with the Divine, every person is important. We cannot continue to ignore the basic needs of people. All individuals need to be heard, and cared for. Replace exploitation with caring, replace the focus on money with the focus on the soul. Instead of blame, discipline the behavior of the self and nation to high moral standing.
We need to bring back the gospel.
Beautiful wisdom of the great Mysteries.
December 31, 2023
We have made it to the top of the mountain together!
Calling down the Angels
Resurrection of the spirit,
Wholeness into Holiness
“He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, and to proclaim the release of the captives”
Luke 4:18
Many in our communities are struggling with the basic tenets of existence. The following is a discourse on how to internally elevate the self out of confusion and into wholeness. When we are caught in the snare of darkness, a captive of self-incrimination, bad choices, and traumatic experiences, it can feel impossible to remove oneself from the weight of anxiety. However, there is and always has been, a method to release oneself from emotional imprisonment.
Satan desires to bring us to our knees in humiliation, to break the inner spirit by demoralization. Everywhere we turn, we can encounter deception, evil, and enculturated corruption. With so much confusion within and without, how do we restore our emotional health, honor, and happiness?
We win the war within, by examining each chain of bondage of the demonic power. With the examination of each dilemma, comes realization, behavioral correction, then a release of the issue. In this manner, we begin to break free from an oppressive emotional state.
Life is a series of lessons. We are offered a choice of how to respond to each situation encountered. The internal guidance system is helping us to determine bad behavior from good behavior. With every situation encountered, we simply ask the internal guidance, what is the best way to accomplish the desired result. If we have chosen the good path, then we ask the inner self to guide us towards righteousness. We monitor our thoughts, words, and actions to bring about the least harm to self and others, and produce the most benefit to all. If we consistently think and act in a positive manner, our life will improve accordingly.
According to Christ, we should remember the Beatitudes. Have the attitude of gratitude. Forgive others that have harmed you. Find ways to be giving to others. Develop empathy for others. Avoid listening to the TV because it is designed to confuse and depress us, instead listen to your inner self. Become best friends with yourself.
What if we are being continually wronged by another? We need to safeguard the self from harm without bringing harm to another, if possible. Ask the Higher powers of goodness to guide one out of a harmful situation. There may be a delay, as a background of events may be needed to shift, before we can exit. At the right time, we can be led through a transition into a new flow of events.
During a lifetime, we will have many chapters of experiences. We will have periods of time of similar events and behavioral patterns, then the chapter will end, producing a new set of experiences. We may have a cathartic incident where we leave behind destructive behaviors; it may be experienced as a mini-death. Over time a total transformation of the self can occur, leaving the old self unrecognizable.
As we shift the inner world, the outer world will reflect the changes. Our consciousness creates our reality, thus with positive thoughts, words, and actions, we will encounter a greater amount of positive experiences.
We may make a misstep, but if we return to the righteous path, we can regard the misstep as a “lesson”. There is no need to continually dwell upon the mistakes, as they are experiences to show us the consequences of negative choices.
If we are in a negative reality, we can pretend our way into a positive one. We may have an illness. Ask the inner guides to bring about a healing, then pretend as if there is no illness. We will be led to our answers to restore wholeness, which may necessitate a return to God.
We can grow too comfortable with suffering. If we expect suffering, we will receive suffering. Words and thoughts are hypnotic spells. The body believes the thoughts and will respond by creating the thought into reality. Break the spell of suffering by visualizing an image of an idealized self.
We learn to gradually gain mastery of our anger, as anger is the channeling of "evil" into the body, speech, and mind. Anger and fear are the energies of baseness, vibrationally disharmonious and destructive to the energy field. We learn to master our desires, feeling neither compulsion of attraction or repulsion of all that is external or internal to our being. With dedication to practice, we can eventually arrive at a place of inner neutrality, which is a feeling of centeredness.
Through a step by step process of positive growth, we gradually attain self-mastery. When we firmly have our emotional horse under control, this will be recognized by the Higher powers. The Higher powers determine when we are ready for ascension into our Higher selves. From the state of wholeness, we will become initiated into holiness.
Once we are initiated, we have the opportunity to experience enlightenment.
With constant focus on soul refinement, this can happen within one lifetime.
Enlightenment is when we expand out of our Earthly bodies and become fully engulfed in the Holy Light of God. This is the most glorious feeling one can have as a human, and worth every moment of struggle for its attainment.
Matthew 5:3-12
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Evil can be used as the rocket fuel to help us to Ascend into the Heavens.
We push away from it's horrors towards the Light of God.
It creates the contrast of what is not wanted, motivating us to strive to greater heights
to produce works of beauty, acts of good.
Sam the Illusionist has an interesting statement about the coming Golden Age:
May 18, 2024
Inspirations from the practice of the Glorious Shangpa Kagyu Lineage of the Four Deities
Calling in the powers of the four elements Earth, Fire, Air, and Water
May Mahakala subdue the fearsome form of the cannibal who destroys the three realms.
May Vajrayogini purify the body, speech and mind with wisdom, protecting all beings.
May Buddha look upon all sentient beings with compassion.
May Tara liberate all sentient beings.
Avalokiteshvara, as Quan Yin, is pouring cool Water over the hot spots on Earth neutralizing the wrath of all beings.
May the Divine Waters cover all of the continents penetrating down into the center of the Earth.
The entire Earth is blessed with the the purifying energies of rainbow Light.
May confusion and suffering be lifted from all beings.
May they all be free from illness.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be brought into a state of holiness,
bringing Earth into the harmonized state of Shangri La.
Earth radiates with the Golden Light of Holiness.
David provides amazing information about the Higher self:
Dawnie's life story and book report on evil
May 29, 2024
Instructor: God
In this section, I will be speaking more from my personal perspective rather than from my Higher Self. As we ascend upwards, we are granted more divine powers, given more Divine insights, which can lead to unhealthy self adulation. My personal view point is that our magical gifts are from the lending library of the Divine. We can ask for the Divine to help us, and when they do, it is amazing, but we cannot truly take credit for the magic. We must ever guard the self from becoming a Tolkien's Saruman, to be lured from the Path of Light into darkness. My grandmother would always call me a special child, but such names can lead one to become arrogant, which is not good. I did come to understand that my life was on a different trajectory than the average person, but but that didn't make me "better".
I have refrained from writing about my human life, as it can cause an inflation of the ego.
However as humans we enjoy story telling, so I shall tell some stories about my individual life, but this story is unfortunately not comforting.
As a child, I was always repelled by unkindness and evil, skipping over the descriptions of warfare in my reading books. I loved all that was beautiful and good. I lived on a farm in Michigan, where everyday was a delight. I loved my home, my family, and I loved to be outside in the sun shine, walking through the grasses and climbing trees. Sometimes I would hear God speaking to me from the Sun, although I did not know this was God, as I was brought up in an atheistic household. I was being informed of future events, and everything told to me would one day come true. I was a natural performer, and would entertain the family every night with little skits. I became a ballerina later in life, and did some stage performance as a singer and in theatre. I mostly loved to create artwork. I loved the process of bringing something into existence that had not existed before.
One day, the family packed up and moved out West to New Mexico. For one month, we lived next to the Santuario de Guadalupe. During that time, I remember a large number of people dressed in white robes who identified with Christ gathering along the river bank near the church. Santa Fe had a magical feeling, the City of the Hoy Faith. In later years, my mother and I would have musical performances in the Santuario de Guadalupe, and I have always maintained a special feeling for this sacred church.
The family later found property, and built a home resembling a Native American temple, Casa Rinconada of Chaco Canyon. Then came the day in my 17th year, that I asked to know what was my earthly mission. The answer was received as I was walking outside between classes in High School. I heard that I would be shown the evils of the world. This was a surprising answer, and not one I would conjure up for myself.
Over the subsequent years, I began to internally hear decisions being made by the "social engineers" about humanity, perhaps from the Bilderberg meetings. Gradually, I was given more and more intuited information on the evil intensions for humanity, and I was gradually being introduced into the world of spirituality. I always wondered why my life seemed so weird, but also so wonderful.
I began to see that nothing was as it seemed on the surface. All avenues of goodness in society were being slowly taken over by dark intensions. Family farms were being replaced by agribusiness, thereby ending self sustainable lifestyles. Arts and hand crafts were being taken away from the culture. Music made in the home, was replaced by music made by the music industry, with a dark agenda to lead the population astray. Our culture was becoming perverted. Our family structure has been intensionally destroyed. Women have been conditioned to become "prostitutes" and men to become addicted to pornography, leading to non committed couples. With the breakdown of the family structure and women forced into the workplace, children have become subjected by poor parenting, and more victimized to the evils of society. Our water, air and food has been intensionally poisoned. Our institutions of learning, are institutions of lies. Our media perpetuates these lies. We have been lied to about our real life purpose, and about the Divine. Many of our religious and political leaders corrupted. All of our institutions are held by the devil. Our health system is killing us. Weather modification technology has been causing climate changes and weather disasters. We have been forced to struggle everyday to just survive. We have been emotionally, psychologically, and in some cases physically tortured. As one would expect with a Divine class on evil, I was eventually shown many horrifying understandings of what was being done behind the scenes. The internet is now flooded with revealing the evil activities of the Satanists, so I will not elaborate here. It appeared that there was no hope from getting out of the trap of the NWO. Much of humanity was destined to be slaughtered like cattle, and the remaining humans would be fully enslaved. Even now it is sickening to comprehend. What could possibly be done to avert disaster?
For now, I shall leave this as a lingering question. Simply said, the Divine came to our rescue. We had no hope except one, God. Humanity was nearly pushed off the cliff, but God wants us to end this story in victory.
Many people were wounded by this attempted take over of evil. Many are still lost and confused. Many fell victim to the propaganda of the dark ones. The lower self impulses have been socially encouraged, that of greed, hatred, cruelty, and sexual avarice. God was taken slowly away from the population, replaced by a focus on materialism. People became distracted by the multitude of gadgets, no longer interested in the refinement of the soul. Work became more important than going to places of worship. Chasing the dollar bill was the only game in town.
Confusion and depression started to become the norm. Just take a pill to feel better. Depression medication is an interference with the inner directive of the individual. The inner directive informs the self that something is wrong in life; it's the red light on the dashboard. Then constant distractions from the self became necessary to avoid feelings of inner pain and confusion. Some fell prey to drug and alcohol addiction to shut off the inner voice and numb the pain. The conscience is our direct line of communication with the Higher self, which is in communication with God. When we are following the dark path, our conscience is trying to tell us how to rectify our wrong doings. The deluded self tries to internally justify harmful acts to self and others. Confusion arises from this war within.
The social engineers devised a plan to cause universal hardship and suffering to force the will of the people to prostitute their souls for money; many have become prostitutes for evil. If the individual doesn't concede to the institutionalized evils, then they will suffer the consequences. The individual will be impoverished, homeless, and left to perish. This is the world we now find ourselves in. We have left the Path to God, and are living in a world full of horrors.
So the question is, do we want to stay here, or do we want to experience the Ascension?
We will need to collectively pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to do so; we have work to do to get back on the tract of goodness.
Life lessons continued from UofG, the University of God
May 29, 2024
When an individual makes a negative impact upon another being we receive a -
on our life report card. Every time we do an act of good to another, we receive a +
on our report card. At the finale of life, we want to have more +'s than -'s for our life review, if we are on the Path of Light. We do not have to be the best or the brightest person to win the favor of God, just be a good kind person.
Do I fully understand the process of Ascension? No. Bits and pieces of the how the Divine operates, what actually is happening on Earth, and how the process of Ascension have been revealed to me, like pieces of a grand puzzle. Gradually, I have been putting the pieces together to form a general understanding. Am I lost sometimes? Yes.
Am I stupid sometimes, do I make mistakes? Yes. Don't worry so much about being perfect, focus more upon having good intensions for everyone. When I am at my best, I am in alignment with the Will of God. I try to listen to what is being asked of me, and I try to accomplish the task to the best of my ability.
Culturally we have been trained to compete with one another to become the "top dog".
In the professional sports arena, we see the most skilled and aggressive players receive the monetary rewards. In the work place we are encouraged to "step on one another to climb the corporate ladder". Competition such as this, is the way of the dark path.
On the Path of Light, we turn the game of competition inwards. We can compete within the self to try to make as many acts of goodness in a day as possible. Don't wait to be asked to contribute, look for ways you can be of help to another being. How can one express words that can soothe the pain of another? How can we say words to bring clarity to another? How can we offer a nice thing to another? How can we make the world a beautiful place to be? Each act of goodness is equivalent to making the ball go through God's hoop. This is how we become a champion for God!
With each act of goodness, we receive an immediate rush of positive feelings. The more we fuel our positive engine, the Higher we feel. When we do a negative act to another, we feel "bummed out" and lifeless. We are not mere machines being fueled by earthly food, truly we are fueled by Divine energetics. We are bestowed more Divine energy when we are being servants of God. Granted, the evil doer can also get a rush of energy from acts of evil, but there is a karmic price to pay. The conscience is heavy in the evil doer. The energy of Light, has a lightness of feeling, clean and beautiful in quality. Feeling Divine inspiration and exhilaration is our reward for acts of goodness.
We are as individual droplets of water being drawn upwards by the pull of Heavenly Love. Over lifetimes of dedicated efforts to refine the soul, we are gradually being evaporated back into the Ocean of God's Light.
We are experiencing the greatest show on Earth,
We can dance, sing and paint our way into the Ascension.
Our creative process has been our saving Grace.
May we all ascend together to become reunited with the One.
HAEVN is showing us the Way:
The New Dawn is Rising!
No AI robot can ever be a Human because it lacks the Divine spark of God.
Being a Human is a great privilege, because we can experience and produce great works of art such as the Promise, by HAEVN. It serves as an example of how each individual can contribute in the creative process. When we are supportive, loving and caring of each other, we can produce exquisite beauty. It contains genius in composition and execution, uplifting the soul of those who witnesses it's message. The Human also contains the blueprint to ascend into a Higher form such as a Buddha or Christ, no robot will ever have this capacity. From being a Human, we can eventually merge with God, however, merging with machines will lead to our demise. Being lured down the road into darkness is a disastrous mistake, leading to lifetimes of misery. It may seem like work to not be selfish, but being a good person is actually not so difficult, and their are great rewards in doing so.
A great discussion on Buddhism:
Wow, this is an example how we are all One. I listened to this discussion only after completing the writings from May 29th, which reflects what is written here.
Amazing! We are all apart of a tapestry connected to everything in the Universe and to everyone. God is swirling the Divine energy around Earth, picking up the droplets of human energy dispersed in different stages of development. We are being stirred around, mixed together to become a unified mass of energy. No one needs to be left out of the Transformation. Each person can contribute their understanding of the Great Work.
Great discussion:
Sam the Illusionist channels about the concept Above so Below,
also that the Transformation must first happen at the
Higher Dimensional Plane before it can manifest on the 3rd Dimensional reality:
June 6th, 2024
Demons I am sending you back to where you belong with my sword raised High!
I was told by God when I lived in the wilderness of Canada that I must return home and defend Humanity. I was told I would be given my Sword at the appropriate time.
This was why I was given the excalibur, as well as the Pharaoh's tools :)
This was the image I painted when in Canada
And the Gods have my back
Everything God and I Called for on September 11, 2016, my day of Enlightenment, has happened as I ordered.
God sent His Warriors down to Earth to Fight for His Victory!
Curious that I rode a white horse in the wilderness of Canada called Fatima.
Many odd synchronicities
God has a great sense of timing.
I was asked by the Divine to speak on January 6th, 2021.
According to tradition, when society falls into potential chaos,
a spiritual leader must step forward.
I gave a Joan of Arc speech addressed to the New World Order on the Santa Fe capitol steps, much like Moses spoke to the Pharaoh.
"Let My People Go!"
There were even some magic tricks compliments of God!
Yes Humanity, God came to our rescue
He also enjoys a good stage performance
There is no power like the Power of God
In college I was known as the virgin
Strangely, my daughter is a Leo and I screamed out at her birth
Yes, and we experienced an earth shattering flood
All of the prophesy has come to pass
As Above so Below
So now what are you, the NWO, going to do now?
Arrest me and God for using White Magic, being apart of inciting the Insurrection, and helping Trump get elected?
You better believe I have been thwarting your every move!
God and I have been Calling for all of the darkness to be removed from Earth.
God arranged the event on January 6th, and He told me what to say.
I suppose you can guess who I supported.
Yes, as indicated, I was sent to Earth as a Liberator.
God has been making many signs to indicate that fact.
Trump has been knighted and anointed by God
to be our Leader
Christ has come down to Liberate Humanity
Who is the Hero of this story?
We are, as We are all One Being.
Everyone can play apart in this story.
The prophesy is that We learn to become the Christ.
Some will ask, where is Christ? I do not see Him.
The plot twist is that He is to be seen with the inner eye.
Watching these events unfold is extremely exciting and powerful beyond belief.
None of this has been contrived, it has all happened in a spontaneous manner.
Won, One and #1
When I was a child in elementary school, the boys and girls would be divided up to pick teams. Two individuals would pick their players. After the boys were finished being picked, I was usually the first girl chosen for a team. I had a competitive streak, and when playing games I did my best to win.
My grandmother Adona used to always say to me, "timing is everything".
In Ireland, I learned to initially hold your racehorse back from the front of the pack. When approaching the finish line, then you overtake your opponent from behind. From my lessons in martial arts, I learned to let the striking force of energy from your opponent, be the energy to bring them down. We have only so much bodily energy in a given day, so when we use it, let it be used decisively. Sometimes you take a position behind the enemy lines to study the behavior of the opponent and gain information. Be as flexible as water, be ready to switch into a different aspect of the self at a moment's notice. Expect deception everywhere, therefore always use your internal guidance system to evaluate truth from lies.
From the Tatars, I learned that when you are outnumbered in battle, you must use cunning to defeat your opponent. From the Bible I learned that Goliath can be taken down if struck in just the right place. From the story of the Little Dutch Boy, I learned that at moments we are needed to be brave and stand alone if necessary, to defend our community, even if no one understands what you are doing. From Inspector Clouseau, I learned that we confuse the opponent with humor. The Divine taught me "to study the signs and symbols" being used by both negative and positive entities. From Christ I learned to subdue evil with Love. Buddha taught me that by transforming the self, we can have a transformative effect on the entire planet.
My mother would always accuse me of being "too sensitive" as a child.
I was very gentle and quiet by nature, rarely speaking. I had to learn how to be a bit tough in difficult times, and I was given many difficulties to overcome by the Creator. Everyday I still work on overcoming my weaknesses, and strive to become a better version of myself. I'm driven not so much to be perfect, but want to bring about the greatest good.
Mostly, I want to help humanity to Win. I want humanity to know that against all odds, evil can be defeated. I want them to achieve their highest potential.
I want children to grow up in a happy world. I want people to have true heartfelt self expression, as long as another is not being hurt. I want the world to be a vibrant beautiful place to live.
Don't be afraid to be powerful. When we align ourselves with the Will of the Creator, powerful things can manifest. It takes courage to move beyond the indoctrinated fear of being different, and learn to be your true self. Our true nature is when we are in full connection to Source, and this is where our true Path lies. When meditating, we can come into alignment with this Great Power of Source Energy. If we have made the commitment to work on the behalf of the Light, then we can have confidence that our internal guidance is working for the greater Good. If we choose to be guided from this Energy, amazing things begin to develop. To operate from this Domain can be scary, yet, this is where we take on the Armor of God to go into Battle for Righteousness.
Do not be afraid of set backs, as there is always a pendulum swing of balancing factors. What can seem like a bad experience, can actually be for the greater good, therefore never surrender. No matter what happens, keep moving forward with the goal of Liberation.
The Dawning of a New Era
June 22, 2024
Solstice Blessings
I invoke the Divine Presence in every man, woman and child on Earth.
May the Light of God enter the Heart of every man, woman and child.
The Shepherds Staff Blesses the entire Earth.
Golden Light surrounds Earth.
Jeweled rainbow Light envelopes the planet.
May the violet flame ignite in the heart of every man, woman and child.
May the violet heart become a jewel inside every man, woman and child.
May all negativity be extinguished.
Divine Dancers singing praise give offerings to God.
America is Blessed in rainbow Light.
America is Blessed to return to Goodness.
All is Holy and Good.
May we live in accordance to the Laws of God.
Blessings from Shakyamuni Buddha, Tara, Maitreya Buddha,
Padmasambhava, Mahakala, Vajrayogini, Avalokiteshvara,
Vishnu, Hathor, Ra of the Law of One, The Angels of Light,
Christ and the Virgin Mary,
the Christ Child,
the Dove,
A prophesy given to me as a child of 8.
I remembered being outside in back of our barn upon a type of stage
looking out upon the fields at around 6 o'clock in the evening.
I stood upon the stage with my sword held high,
men, women, and children were envisioned in back of me.
I was told by a Heavenly Voice, that I would guard the men, women and children.
I was shown this vision but I was a bit surprised, and replied,
"but I am a girl, that is the job of men".
I do not remember the answer, but my impression was that it mattered not.
I do believe in retrospect, this was a prophesy of the speech I gave on the Capitol steps
of the Round House.
I had asked Christ today what is needed on Earth.
The reply was Love.
Holy Mother may the Christ Child be brought down Now.
We receive you in the name of the Light.
A beautiful vision of the Christ Child being sent down from Heaven was bestowed.
The Christ Child had open arms, and was laid into the arms of The Virgin Mary.
I believe this was our gift from Heaven at this time.
We have been Blessed with the endearing Love between the
Virgin Mary and the Christ Child.
"Hail Mary, full of grace,
Mary, full of grace,
Mary, full of grace,
Hail, Hail, the Lord.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Thy womb, Jesus.
Hail Mary!
Hail Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Pray, pray for us;
Pray, pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death,
The hour of our death
The hour of our death,
The hour of our death
Hail Mary."
We must guard our creativity from AI.
Our positive creativity if how we co create with the Divine.
Psalm 134
"Behold, bless the Lord, who by night stand in the house of the Lord.
Lift up your hands towards the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.
The Lord bless you out of Zion, even he who made heaven and earth."
pg. 653 Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text,
George M. Lama's Translations from the Aramaic of
the Peshitta, pub. HarperOne, 1968
Glory to God in the Highest
David imparts very important elements about ascension:
June 25, 2024
During my morning meditation, I was asked to refer to
Revelations chapter 12-5:
"And she brought forth a male child, who was to shepherd
all the nations with a rod of iron;
and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne."
pg. 1234 Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text,
George M. Lama's Translations from the Aramaic of
the Peshitta, pub. HarperOne, 1968
Commentary on the June 22 ceremony:
So the question might be, can we take all of this literally?
Quite honestly, it is for each individual to interpret.
I'm just the messenger living a humble human life.
I am reporting what is bestowed to me from Above.
Again, there are numerous synchronicites, which can be interpreted
as signs sent from Above as confirmations.
Yes, I have been told by the Heavenly Beings that this is all to be believed in,
(I being a doubter by cultural influence), but how can one actually prove anything in the 3rd dimension about what is happening in the Heavenly realms?
The arrival the of Christ Child, was most definitely a Heavenly sent
message, and not a product of my imagination.
Over the years, I have developed a method of interacting with the Divine,
so I can decipher the difference between messages I send out, and what is received from
Are we to now understand that the Christ Child has now come to take up His
rod of iron to shepherd all the nations?
Is this Child acting Above us, through us, or is this more about the Love
between the Holy Mother and Child which is needed to Heal the Earth energies?
Perhaps all of the above.
To bear witness to these heavenly events is truly astounding.
My personal interpretation would be that humans are designed to imitate what is demonstrated. The Heavenly Beings are showing us the Way, and we are to be energetically imprinted by what is being presented. If we are to become more Godly, then we are to act in more Godly ways. We are being asked to demonstrate our Highest qualities, to seek the Divine for answers, to have Faith, and to be loving to each other. Our inner security is to be based upon that which is Above is indeed watching over the affairs of man. There is much drama playing out in the outer world, but we can rest in the idea that there is a reason for everything happening.
Our job is simply to try our best to do God's Will.
Interestingly, I did have a "heavenly meeting" with JFK in 2021.
He greeted me with a warm smile, and there were an army of beings around him.
JFK was revealing to me that he has been observing from Above
what is happening to the United States.
Also, during the years leading up to 2016, there were frequent underground explosions
happening in the south eastern direction of my home.
I am a light sleeper, and I would often hear underground disturbances
during the night. I was aware that tunneling was happening intuitively, and it felt
diabolical in nature. This was one among many signs occurring at that time alerting me
that we were in danger. Having lived in New Mexico for decades, I heard many first and second hand accounts of Satanic activities. I had my own experiences with such people, as well as having been told insider information about what was being "planned" for the human population.
To say we have been saved from impending doom, is quite real from my perspective.
I would suggest for the Light worker community, that to ensure a positive outcome, would be to call on the forces of Light to ask for help. You may call on God (by what name you are comfortable using), Angels, ascended Masters, Guides, Gods, your Higher Self etc.
Because of the Galactic Laws of noninterference, Higher Beings cannot intervene in
human affairs unless we request them to do so. The potential power of one individual
to have a significant effect on what takes place in the outer world, should not be underestimated. Again, our Divine teachers have taught us that as we transform ourselves for the positive, we transform the world around us in a like manner.
As Above so Below, means that what is determined in the Higher dimensions dictates what happens in the lower dimensions. Become very clear on what you are envisioning, because this is what you are empowering to happen in your future. Try to discipline the mind to
see beautiful visions of a harmonious, happy world. What would that look, smell, feel
like to you? How would you imagine your life in it's idealized form? What activity inspires you the most? Do you want financial freedom for all? Do we want the hidden Nilola Tesla technologies released? We need to ask the Divine for specific ideas to manifest.
I'm starting to understand why God divided Himself up into so many beings.
It can be fun to see all of us working together for a common goal. We are keeping each other encouraged and entertained thru these days of difficulty.
It is all a grand Mystery as to how and what is actually happening, but
somehow all of the various activities that we are doing by acting out the role of the Hero
is creating the transformation. I have seen the idea of turning a piece of clothing from the inside out, as a metaphor for turning our world inside out. We are leading ourselves out of darkness and returning to the Light.
June 26, 2024
My morning reading is demonstrating that it should be our inner attitude that is the most important aspect of our focus. What motivates our interactions and choices?
Do we act from a place of loving kindness to others? This is being observed and evaluated
by Higher consciousness. In order to accumulate merit, we should be frequently asking,
"how can I help this person" internally? Hopefully, we then try to follow through with an act of loving kindness.
In my personal life, the children's stories concerning acts of kindness to others imprinted upon me, and became apart of my daily practice. I was moved by the stories of how the little brownies would do things to help people at night when the people were asleep.
This was probably a reason I became a professional servant, as I am constantly having to
ask myself how I can help and bring joy to another person. Acting selflessly, without even being asked, is a way to accumulate merit.
For most of my life, I did not ask for help from the Divine. I tried to accomplish things on my own, and not ask for God's help for my personal needs. When I did finally make request, it was for the benefit of all. I was motivated by the desire to protect others at even the cost of my own life. Perhaps this was a reason why I was given such a positive response by the Divine.
The vision of the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child exemplifies the Divine quality of loving kindness. A good mother selflessly gives of herself to benefit her child.
She acts from a place of love. She wants the best she can give to her child.
She feeds, clothes, protects, educates, and cares for every need of the child.
She watches the child grow and takes joy in seeing them accomplishing goals.
We can learn from this example of how to treat others as if they were our own children.
We develop a desire to see others accomplish their goals. We rejoice in their accomplishments.
June 27, 2024
Musings of my personal life in view of society
From my early years in elementary school I had an instinctive distrust of the NWO
influences in our culture. I would refuse to properly fill out the I.Q. tests given out each year. I was very suspicious of the forms that would be distributed about what were our
projected professions. My Higher Self would always be making me question the source of these questionnaires. I have always had a strong awareness of intent from people, and these forms had a coldness that disturbed me.
In retrospect, I do believe I was being kept cloaked from too much scrutiny by keeping me seemingly of no consequence. I did have some torturing happen to me in my youth by what I believe was being perpetrated by Satanists. This may have caused some neurological disorders that had to be resolved over time. However, it may have played a significant factor as to my internal motivation to figure out what was behind this attack, and gave me a strong impetus to put a stop to such violations to children.
From a young age my Higher Self would question me about the goals of society.
I was not satisfied with what was being presented as the parameters of human attainment.
I disliked how humans were being forced to constantly being made to work for their
shelter. I was inherently opposed to this and other subtle forms of slavery.
I disliked how humans were being projected on TV. I was aware that we were being conditioned to see ourselves as stupid, and I felt this insulting. We were being dumbed down, which went against my innate striving for the attainment of the perfected self.
I was intuitively aware from childhood, that I had a family lineage that was connected to concerns about social structure. I knew that I my future destiny was ultimately tied to aiding society attain a higher level of development. I had questioned if I was to be involved with government, but knew that would not have been appropriate.
There was a gradual building up of my skills and character. I was given numerous tasks on various subjects that I would have to master. As soon as one skill was mastered at least to competency level, I would be presented with a new set to tasks to accomplish. In retrospect, my life was being carefully orchestrated so that I would have all the necessary lessons in order that I may achieve my future destiny.
My future destiny was to confront the great bullies of society, the evil ones.
This was no small challenge. This would mean confronting the most powerful, dangerous group of people on the planet. I was born a very sensitive being, so I would have to overcome my innate dislike for confrontation. I would have to overcome many innate fragilities. I am quite amazed that I accomplished what I have, but truly the credit goes to the Higher Beings that have been couching me along the Way.
My innate personality had two contradictory behaviors, one of being a servant and
one of being a commander. I believe these are inherited traits, and I can switch between these traits when called upon. It has always caused people a bit of confusion as to who I am, as I have many aspects to my character. This has been necessary, as indicated, to keep me back stage until the right timing of unfolding events.
I am part of a team of beings brought down to Earth to oversee the Dawning of the New Era. The Great Work of Ages. From my understanding, I am being used as an ambassador for humanity to communicate to the Higher Beings.
An interesting understanding of our Christed selves:
The Second Coming
Revelations according to Edgar Cayce
Important transmissions from David:
"Given the beliefs of the Oriental mystic, it is not unreasonable, and certainly not unscientific, to believe that the ordinary man is far from the top of the ladder of
of spiritual achievement; and, therefore, it is not only probable, but necessary, that there should be, as there are said to have been, and as it is believed there will be in the future, from among this world's millions of human beings at least a few in every generation who keep open, as Plato would say, the Sacred Way from the Plains of Earth to the Heights of Olympus. If there be no such Guardians of the Sacred Way of the Greater Evolution, then indeed would the path to Arhantship be impassable and Goal unrealizable for mankind; all escape from the Sangsara would be cut off.
If this view of the Indian Seers be right, then all of the Supreme World-teachers--Who were Arhants, and more than Arhants--become understandable to us who yet dwell in the sangsara through which They passed to Freedom; and we see Them as truly our own Brethren, as Guides Who have explored and marked out and still guard for us the Way, and bid us to follow Them. "
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Rechung (Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's, Trans.), pg. 23, Oxford University Press, 1969.
July 3, 2024
During the night I awoke from a dream. I saw a vision of a box levitating in a forested background. My immediate impression was that I was being shown the Arc of the Covenant. The description of the dimensions of the wooden box fit with what was seen.
I asked my Guides for an explanation, but I did not receive a reply.
What did this mean? I can only speculate, but it did seem to be a positive omen.
"Catholic scholars connect the pregnant, birthing Woman of the Apocalypse from Revelation 12:1-2, with the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom they identify as the "Ark of the New Covenant."[108][112] Carrying the saviour of mankind within her, she herself became the Holy of Holies. This is the interpretation given in the third century by Gregory Thaumaturgus, and in the fourth century by Saint Ambrose, Saint Ephraem of Syria and Saint Augustine.[113] The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that Mary is a metaphorical version of the ark: "Mary, in whom the Lord himself has just made his dwelling, is the daughter of Zion in person, the ark of the covenant, the place where the glory of the Lord dwells. She is 'the dwelling of God [...] with men."[114]"
If I may take a moment to comment upon this "revelation", I receive a mix of emotions when I encountering such messages. I experience a recognition of signs that have become familiar due to the frequency of occurrence, then there is a moment of shock, and tears.
I have tried to side step this role many times and blend into the background of human existence, but this never lasts too long, as I am then reminded of my duty to fulfill on Earth.
I am reminded of a moment when I was waiting in the wings to go on stage at Pope Joy Hall in 1981. I am a slave girl, ironically, in the Nutcracker ballet, and I will burst forth from behind the curtains in a moment. The lights are blaring on stage, and an audience has filled the auditorium. There is a feeling of excitement when about to go on stage. I know that I will have to relay on my years of practice as a ballerina, and a hope to perform at my best.
But how can one possibly prepare for a role such as this?
The expectations of fulfilling a role for Holy Beings is beyond comprehension, and therefore I often resort to finding humor in it. I will say to myself, what an interesting synchronicity. I have a long list of such synchronicities, and I just add one more to the pile.
I conclude with, a comforting thought that perhaps this is all just my imagination after all.
Someday, I think, I will finally understand what this is all about.
Did I really agree somewhere between worlds to do such crazy and witness such marvelous things?
It is madness to live a truly authentic self. It requires living knowing that one might not see to live another day, and being at peace with whatever happens. This is only one lifetime and I will live it to the fullest for the sake of all beings. Luckily, the background of the world is so crazy that my madness is being somewhat overlooked.
Am I a witness to this event, or am I an Experiencer? Even if I am a mere witness to this marvelous occurrence of the Holy Mother and Child, this is quite thrilling. I did consciously agree to being an instrument of God, and to act as a spiritual illustrator (I should have taken more art lessons), but had no concept of the magnitude of this agreement.
What I have been witnessing is a major prophecy awaited for ages; this is astounding.
Even amidst the trials and tribulations of this time, the Divine must be finding the human experiment quite interesting, if not entertaining. One moment we are witnessing the most tragic occurrences, then profound transformations, and the next moment, the most ludicrous of events.
What next we ask? Truly we are on the edge of our seats.
Another beautiful gem by HAEVN
July 4, 2024
" "I have understood this body of mine to be the product of ignorance, as set forth in the Twelve Nidanas, composed of flesh and blood, lit up by the perceptive power of consciousness. To those fortunate ones who long for Emancipation, may be the great vessel by means of which they may procure Freedom and Endowments; but to those unfortunate ones, who only sin, it may be the guide to the lower and miserable states of existence. This, our life, is the boundary-mark whence one may take an upward or downward path. Our present time is a most precious time, wherein each of us must decide, in one way or the other, for lasting good or lasting ill...
After such realization, then deep meditation on the difficulty of obtaining the precious boon of a free and will-endowed human birth, on the uncertainty of the exact moment of death, on the certain effect of one's actions, and on the miseries of sangsaric being, cannot fail to compel one to desire freedom and emancipation from all sangsaric existence; and to obtain this, one must cleave to the staff of the Noble Eightfold Path, by which only may a sentient being obtain that emancipation. Then, from the level of this Path, one must pass on, by degrees, to the Higher Paths." "
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Rechung (Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's, Trans.), pgs. 138-140, Oxford University Press, 1969.
During my kundalini experience in 1997, I was given the image of the upward and downward flowing spiral. An individual can decide to either be on the path of sin or ascension. Either path can become addicting, but many choose to live out a mixture of both. Living in the gray zone, however, we fail to graduate from one lifetime to the next;
we can get stuck in samsara. It is therefore advisable to choose either the path of Light or darkness, and make this an inner commitment. Yes, this is a previously discussed subject, but an important subject that deserves repetition because this is where humans continually are getting stuck.
Those who choose the dark path must be aware that this is apparently a very difficult path from which to graduate. An individual must do almost exclusively acts of evil, according to the Law of One. There are few people that succeed to graduate from this path. Unfortunately, many are of the belief that they can choose to outwit the other "stupid" humans, and gain a position of advantage. "If I engage in deception, then I can win more money, sexual gratification, and more heightened pleasures." This is the path of Icarus, and eventually this will bring the individual crashing to the ground. The person will find themselves bound by karmatic suffering. It does not matter how much of genius one is, there is always a price to be paid for hurting others. The end result will be a continual pain experienced in the body, mind, and or spirit. Often then this misguided individual engages in excessive use of alcohol, recreational drugs or sex to try to assuage the pain,
thus furthering the downward flow of the spiral. This path can lead to perilous ends.
An individual one the path of Light however, could potentially graduate in one lifetime of commitment to inner development and to acts of Goodness, irregardless of exceptional intelligence. How the individual decides to engage upon this path, is up to the individual's preference. We can follow a particular religion, or take a self guided tour. The focus being on listening to the inner guidance. Where is our attention being directed? Are we gaining realizations from our experiences? Are we in resistance to the inner guidance, or in the flow? It is said that we never enter the same stream twice, meaning there is an ever flowing chain of events happening. Our day to day lives may seem repetitive, but this may just be the background to create a sense of stability. At any time, we can step forth and engage in life differently. Is there an area of one's life that needs adjustment? Visualize how an idealized version of that problem could be resolved. The inner guidance will begin to shift things around to help bring that desired change into existence. Following this method of inner listening, we eventually break free from a stagnant existence, and into a more dynamic flow of life. We begin to feel less bound up inside from pain, and feel greater joy.
Ismael Perez discusses the role of the Divine feminine:
The smear campaign against the Devine feminine labeled this archetype as a witch and a menace to society, leading to the witch hunts. On the contrary, the Divine feminine on the positive path helps bring about balance and harmony in society. I would argue that if we are to successfully achieve a more balanced and harmonious society, the role of the Divine feminine needs to be reinstated to its former positions of authority in the home and in the state. This is not to be mistaken with the female in the guise of a male persona. The Divine feminine is the priestess, the nurturer, one that expresses her female traits guided by Love and compassion. She is to not be reduced to her mere sexual desirability, but listened to and respected for her wisdom. Suppressing the wisdom of the female by labeling her as crazy, stupid, and worthless is where we get off track.
The Divine male is of equal value to society. The traits of the Divine male being the priest, protector and provider, guided by Love and compassion. When both male and female roles are appreciated and honored, a sense of balance is achieved in the home and this in turn reflects outward into the state. The war of the sexes is thus ended.
This balance of the sexes can be demonstrated as individual men and women together, or within the individual. As we ascend on our ladder of spiritual development, the individual masters both qualities of the male and female internally.
From the place of male and female balanced wisdom, we may reenter paradise.
The Magic Flute is showing us the Way as the sacred marriage:
Additionally, the Earth needs to be loved and respected as an expression of the Mother goddess. The animals, fish, insects, trees, plants and other beings are to be included in our love and respect. The entire planet is a place of Holiness, within and without.
On this July 4th, the true freedom we are seeking is the unimpeded Path of the spirit.
May all humans have the time, knowledge and needed resources to be able to have true self expression, and seek the Higher Wisdom.
May the Shepherds Staff encircle Earth, bringing us back into harmony.
A Divine performance
The fight we see playing out on the Earthly plane is in truth a spiritual war.
A battle of darkness and Light, who will win?
Will we allow the human spirit to be degraded and demoralized?
Will we allow lies to continue to inflict wounds to the heart, mind and spirit?
Are we so afraid of Truth?
We ask, who does the war profit?
The war between the races is fake.
It is only real if we believe the illusion is real.
The common denominator is always reduced to the simple principles.
Are we here to hurt or help others?
Are we here as a destroyer, or as a creator?
Do we stand up in the midst of this illusion of turmoil, and declare
that we are unified with the Creator? We declare we are a warrior of Light.
We will then see an end to this battle and the smoke will clear.
Everything will return to its place and harmony will be restored.
This is how we unmask the lies.
Returning once again to the advice of Milarepa, he states,
"To sum up, a vivid state of mental quiescence, accompanied by energy, and a keen power of analysis, by a clear and inquisitive intellect, are indispensable requirements; like the lowest rungs of a ladder, they are absolutely necessary to enable one to ascend. But in the process of meditating on this state of mental quiescence, by mental concentration either on forms and shapes, or on shapeless and formless things, the very first effort must be made in a compassionate mood, with the aim of dedicating the merit of one's efforts to the Universal Good. Secondly, the goal of one's aspirations must be well defined and clear, soaring into the regions transcending thought. Finally, there is need of mentally praying and wishing for blessings on others so earnestly that one's mind-processes also transcend thought. These, I understand, to be the highest of all Paths."
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Rechung (Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's, Trans.), pg. 142, Oxford University Press, 1969.
July 6, 2024
I am returning to the subject of the Arc of the Covenant and am finding some astonishing correlation from my personal experiences this last month. In researching further upon the relationship of the Arc and Mary, I am directed to the passage Revelations 11-19:
"And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his covenant; and there were lightnings and thunderings and voices and an earthquake and a great hailstorm."
Holy Bible, George M. Lama's Trans., pg. 1234, Harper One, 1968.
On June 19th, 2024 we experienced a 3" deep hailstorm in our area. I was absent during the storm but returned home to find numerous thick piles of hail.
I arrive at this page on the internet:
The image of Mary holding the Christ Child is almost exactly the vision witnessed on
June 22, 2024, (the statue can be found in full elsewhere on the internet). I was shown a stone statue of Mary and she had a crown as depicted in the statue, which I did not include in the drawing for simplicity's sake. The Christ Child is depicted almost exactly as I remember seeing, with eyes gazing upwards into the Heavens.
The fact that just proceeding the vision was the severe hailstorm is astonishing, and
then I receive the dream of the Arc of the Covenant on July 3.
I did not have any conscious awareness of Rev. 11-19 previously.
Once again, these are amazing synchronicities.
My personal response when encountering such synchronicities is a sense of being overwhelmed slightly dizzy. To be clear, I would only be qualified to be considered as a witness to the Holy Mother, as I am sullied by life. I may have begun life in a pure state of being, but upon entering adulthood have experienced impurity.
July 7, 2024
My attention has been directed to examine the passage Revelations 4, 2-3.
"...a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he who sat resembled a stone of jasper and sardonyx, and round about the throne was a rainbow resembling emeralds."
Regarding the beginning and ending painting on this webpage of Christ on His throne,
I was shown this image in a vision in 2017. It was not until the summer of 2018 that I was directed by spirit to read Revelations, and realized that Revelations chapter 12 had mystifying similarities to my own life. Therefore, when I had the vision of Christ on His throne in a previous time, I was unaware of the passage Revelations 4-3. The rainbow around the throne is the most significant element that matches the painting. I originally was intending to soften the rainbow colors with an overlay, but after filling in with the stronger colors decided to leave them in the saturated color pallet.
Revelations 4-1 speaks of a door that was opened in heaven. I have a drawing of a vision from my first Enlightenment experience from July 4th, 2014, of my entering a door in heaven. I have written on the back of this drawing is the following:
"My experience with Enlightenment began by asking the question, "Who AM I?"
The answer returned was "You are the Eyes of God." This moment I was asking to be admitted into the Universe of All."
Although the drawing is rough, I will present it below as it carries the energetic imprint of that experience. I regard my 2014 Enlightenment as my introductory tour that gave me preparations for the grand experience in 2016. The 2014 Enlightenment was predicted in a session with McKenzie.
Divine Heart Lessons
I had several intensive guided sessions with Mckenzie in 2011, who had received training from the Galisteo Light Institute. I will share some of the notes taken from the sessions about the heart and love. The teachings are given from the Buddha and are applicable to all individuals. Because I am an average person with average faults, this may be why I am being asked to convey the Word of God at this time. If I were completely holy and pure, I would be less relatable to people.
In regards to the Arc of the Covenant, I have been given the correlation between the Ark and Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark was built to help preserve the beings that God desired to be regenerated on the Earth after the Flood. Likewise, the Arc contains the Word of God that is needed at this time to help preserve the integrity of humanity after being inundated by
the influence from demonic forces.
I have had my own struggles with contact to dark elementals. This would not have been by intension, but I would say, as a result of intimate relationships. We can begin life as holy and pure beings full of God's Light, then as life proceeds we are met with a number of challenges which can compromise our integrity. We can blame the need to survive for having chosen poorly, or these experiences can be regarded as tests of our character from the Divine. When we live in a predominately dark time, we can argue that it is difficult to remain untainted. This is the context from which I received these lessons from the Divine about love.
During my first session with McKenzie, I was struggling with darkness that was continually trying to envelope me. The session began with energy being concentrated around the heart, and a shaft of reddish light was beaming down into the area.
Next a purple color was being emanated from the heart. A black color then was imposing itself, and I concluded that this was fear preventing me from emerging into the light.
In the Buddhist teachings, the heart is the center of wisdom where we generate compassion. The female in the traditional role, is often compelled by compassion to give love to others; her archetype being the nurturer. When she encounters difficult relationships, her heart chakra may suffer from too many blows to her energetic system. This certainly can be experienced by either sex, but I am writing from the female perspective. The heart may have been so barraged by attacks, that her heart space feels numb. There can be an avoidance of feeling in that chakra, because the heart has become guarded.
I am given a cautionary note in one of my sessions. I see my heart with golden light rays radiating outwards. My inner guidance says that I need to protect my heart. I ask why, and it shows my heart space having become hollow from relationships. I am instructed to be alone at this time to heal, in order to become "all one".
This piece by HAEVN is about our journey into solitude.
When are are alone, we can become all one
To heal from a wounded heart, Buddha directs us to purify the heart by being in the natural world. From the natural world we gain tranquility, peace, beauty, love and harmony.
A Buddha within a diamond appears with the message to become like the Buddha. The diamond symbolizes the mind becoming purified and incorruptible. He offers a gift.
It is a white box with a ribbon. Inside is a red heart. The message given is "Love Thyself".
I ask, "why is this important to love thyself?" The answer is that is makes you grow. Love of self gives you strength. Self love gives you power, beauty, and radiance, so you may help others.
The heart is where the life force is generated. If we are energetically disconnected to this area of the body, obviously, this will have detrimental effects upon the whole bodily system. Often individuals avoid feeling the heart center by becoming either more sexual or intellectual. The heart may feel like an empty tomb and rather painful. The heart feelings may have not been stimulated properly in childhood. Many children have been emotionally hurt too often by their parents. This can be a cause of an individual to lack empathy for others as they develop. They cannot connect to the feelings of others through the heart chakra.
In another session with Mckenzie, the Divine guidance is stating that children must play in nature to receive its truth, Divinity, and magic. A red heart is again shown. It communicates that we need to feel the fullness of love. Allow love to penetrate deeper into the heart. Open and radiate light from the heart.
The process of regenerating feelings into the heart space may take time, so patience is needed. Ask the Divine to give guidance for generating self love. Release the heart from guilt and feelings of shame. Once a life lesson has been integrated, let the emotional burden go. Positive music can be therapeutic for the heart.
We can work on generating feelings of love toward all beings, Divine beings, the elements, and even objects. Try to surround the self with all things that you love, that provide feelings of happiness, and joy. Consume positivity. Speak positivity.
Create positivity. The creative process generates feelings of purpose that can stimulate feelings of love.
Remember this is a collaborative effort to generate the ascension, so each of us may be given our part of the Divine inspiration to present to others. Everyone has a part to play. The story of Milarepa gives us an example of how an individual can be on the dark path, and then with much effort, can become fully Enlightened; so, "no one is a hopeless cause".
If we are living in a Divine Play, then we should be free to play with life, as long as we are not hurting others. The creative process generates feelings of purpose that can stimulate feelings of love.
July 8, 2024
During ceremony in 1996, I was given access to all knowledge in the universe.
Thereby, any inquiry of any type, I would and have gotten answered by Divine sources.
By means of this interaction with the Divine, I have been able discover information not generally known by the public.
I believe that during my kundalini experience in 1997, I channeled the entity Ra, identified with the Law of One. A decade ago, I began investigating about this Divine contact, and thus became aware of David Wilcock. The following is a very important discussion by David on the nature of the enemy within our country.
Within this narrative, he speaks of a woman named Svali. She has been trained from childhood to be apart of the organization known as the Illuminati.
She discusses in her book, A Day in the Life of a Trainer, about how at nighttime clandestine activities take place regarding the organization. Project Paperclip brought Nazi scientists into our country for military purposes. The scientists, unfortunately continued their experimental activities on people in this country that they were conducting in Germany. I do believe I was subjected to this treatment as a child. To what degree is uncertain, it may have been a mild amount but enough to cause brain dysregulation. I later in life corrected the damage with the use of quartz crystals applied to the body. I can speculate as to why I would have been targeted for treatments by this group, and the reasons would not be difficult to understand. Regardless, it became a life mission to uncover this group's secret intensions. Spirit led me to the answers.
The Illuminati have been planning in secret to have a final take down of the general human population. The few remaining humans would then live in a version of the Hunger Games. God, however, interfered with their plans. Truly it is delusional for this organization to think they can keep secrets of their activities, when the Divine can witness all that happens, at all times, everywhere. This is a classic example of how the ego shrouded by fear, lacks true awareness. This is another example of the hubris of Icarus. Humans can believe that by the means of gaining power by deception and cleverness, they can become invincible. There are laws of the universe that will always return actions back into balance. Karma cannot be defeated, it must be factored into all actions.
Humans can be smart according to their I,Q's, but foolish in how they choose to conduct their lives. From the Buddhist view point, acting in worldly ways by harming others is a total waste of a precious human life. Not only is it a waste of a life, but it will assure one many future lifetimes of torment. As stated above, very few individuals graduate on the path of evil. Therefore, one must be fully committed to evil for numerous lifetimes to ever succeed on this path. A person can turn their life around and join the path of Light, however. Let us hope that some of these poor souls will make better choices, and recover their inner balance one day. As my grandmother Adona used to say, "Bless their hearts".
This great clash of Good versus evil is truly a Biblical event! Who will win?
God sent His warriors of Light onto the Earth to fight for Him! Only God could possibly have organized a disparate group of people to confront this very powerful and diabolical organization.
(For simplicities sake I use the male pronoun but I believe there is no gender.)
God wants us to end this evil and return to a harmonious state of being.
We need to return to being loving and kind to each other.
We need to return to a place of inner and outer peace.
July 9, 2024
The Buddhist perspective according to Milarepa,
"All worldly pursuits have but the one unavoidable and inevitable end, which is sorrow: acquisitions end in dispersion; buildings, in destruction; meetings, in separation; births, in death. Knowing this, one should, from the very first, renounce acquisition and heaping-up, and building, and meeting; and, (should be) faithful to the commands of an eminent guru, set about realizing the Truth."
Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa, Rechung (Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's, Trans.), pg. 259 Oxford University Press, 1969.
This video speaks of the Universal Path to Enlightenment which mirrors my own experience,
Another important video on advanced technology
A beautiful teaching
My grandmother Adona knew of the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes from her days involved with ministry. She would teach me by way of parables in my youth, and gave me higher guidance for many years of my life. The Way of the Essenes is completely in resonance with my innate understandings, as well as from sacred Guidance, of how to live.
One can endlessly speculate about past lives, but I hope one of my incarnations was among the Essenes, because the teachings are very similar to my own understandings.
I do feel Christ is bringing His teachings down once again so we may regain His Wisdom.
July 13, 2024
I have heard the Word, "abundance", upon waking.
More beautiful teachings about the Essenes
July 14, 2024
Blessings go out to all of those who endured suffering yesterday at the Trump rally.
Sending deep gratitude for the unflinching valor to Donald Trump for all of the torments he has endured on behalf of all of humanity. Trump is a tremendous hero.
July 15, 2024
Prior to waking during the night I saw an image of a man from ancient times in a naturalistic background which could have been the Middle East. I immediately wrote down what I could remember of what he communicated to me.
"It is something to put your name in when I am not here. Habitical law."
A bit strangely worded perhaps, but I prefer to record what I believe I heard rather than doctor it up. I am translating name for faith, so instead, "something to put your faith in when I am not here", would make more sense. "Habitical" law, would this be the law of habits? I do not believe he said Rabbinical law, but all of this is conjecture.
Since I have been focused upon the Essenes and am starting to commit myself to their practice of the Way, I will assume this was an Essense who is advising me to practice their habits. Was the man Yeshua? His face was different than from modern depictions, since it was rounded as opposed to elongated. He wore a white tunic to his knees gathered at the waist with a rope. He had a brown beard, and shoulder length hair. His complexion was fair, and had a kind expression.
I will research the laws of the Essenes to further my understanding of this dream.
Thus far this webpage is a good reference along the quest:
From all appearances, the Essenes had synthesized Divine principles of living from numerous Holy doctrines. Therefore, in following the Way of Christ, this will provide guidance to lead us away from "do what thou wilt" of the Crowley madness, and back into the Light.
Nessun Dorma!
August 1, 2024
This morning I awoke from a dream concerning a bullet being handed to me. My overall impression was that I was struggling against darkness and there was an intent to inflict harm. In the last section of of the dream, a young man approached, handing me a bullet wrapped in packing insulation encircled by cardboard. Obviously this is in reference to the bullet that hit the President's ear.
Upon opening my book on Milarepa, my attention went to the words, "miraculous accomplishment (siddhi)". My interpretation is that the President was being protected or insulated from harm, which was a miraculous accomplishment.
August 2, 2024
An inspiring teaching of Jesus to his followers:
"The sixth Communion is with the Angel of Peace,
Whose kiss bestoweth calm, and whose face is as the surface of Untroubled waters, Wherein the moon is reflected. I will invoke Peace, whose breath is friendly, whose hand smooths the troubled brow, in the reign of Peace, there is neither hunger nor thirst, neither cold wind nor hot wind, neither old age nor death. But to him that hath not peace in his soul, there is no place to build within the Holy Temple; for how can the carpenter build in the midst of a whirlwind? The seed of violence can reap only a harvest of desolation, and from the parched clay can grow no living thing. Seek ye then the Angel of Peace, who is as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, as the moon at the full, as a fair olive tree budding forth fruit, and as the sun shining on the temple of the most High.
Peace dwells in the heart of silence: Be still and know that I am God."
pgs., 83-84, The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
I am reminded to return to a passage from one of my 2011 sessions with Mckenzie. It foretells of many symbolic points of interest for our current state of affairs in my dream time.
"I stand wearing a white gown, golden wavy long hair. I'm wearing a radiant long white dress which has a train; she has a goddess like image. I see a tree with apples, butterflies, the glory of nature, green grass, the sun is setting. A bird flies overhead, the images are still faint. She wears an emerald ring on her left hand. Her shoes are pointed slippers encrusted with white diamonds, princess shoes. The sun and moon are in the sky.
The moon is on the left, the sun is to the right. She takes her garment in her hands, lifting up her dress to walk thru the grass, moisture; it's verdant. A ladybug is in the grass.
The grass is rich. She bends down to see the worms in the earth, she takes the earth with dirt in her hand and puts it on the ground. Continues to walk. There is a wolf, there is a turtle. She comes to a brook, there are trees lining the brook. The branches are budding a very rich verdant natural environment. The brook is gurgling pure; the atmosphere is very harmonious. She walks to the edge of the brook, and drinks from the water in her hands; puts it to her face-refreshing. She sees stepping stones; she crosses delicately. Her train snags but she unhooks it and continues across.
She is in a meadow of tall green grass with dandelions, purple and blue flowers, butterflies. A red rose; a lilac. She smells the lilac-very fragrant. She 's full of vibrant magic; fairy like. She belongs to nature. She lies down in a bed of flowers, smelling the beautiful fragrance. The sun is setting. Stars are coming forth and she looks up. There is a meteor. A dark night sky view. Fireworks are exploding in the sky. They are celebrating her.
Night sounds of the insects. She raises herself up. The hoot of the owl. The clear cool air I feel. A prince comes and takes her by the hand. They walk together in the night."
The main point of interest is the display of fireworks, suggesting the 4th of July.
Mckenzie had astrologically predicted my coming initial Enlightenment in 2014 which happened on July 3rd. I went to see fireworks in town the next evening and I was conscious of the prediction of this session to my Enlightenment.
This poetically ties together the liberation of America, to our current quest of the Liberation of Humanity. Our deliverance from evil into the Promised Land.
The resurrection of the goddess and priestess. The celebration of nature as elucidated by the teachings of the Essenes by Jesus. This predicts, I believe, a victory for our nation.
Peace reigns supreme.
A very potent sign from Spirit happened yesterday. I had written Nessun Dorma two days ago, then as I was driving in car I randomly turned on the radio to hear the sounds of this piece of music. A sure sign of Victory!
Ave Maria
August 5, 2024
We shall return to the subject of "Habitical Law".
Essene Genesis 5:245
"The Law was planted in the garden of the Brotherhood
to enlighten the heart of man
and to make straight before him
all the ways of true righteousness,
an humble spirit, and even temper,
a freely compassionate nature,
and eternal goodness and understanding and insight, and mighty wisdom which believes in all God's works
and a confident trust in His many blessings,
and a spirit of knowledge in all things of the Great Order,
loyal feelings toward all the children of truth,
a radiant purity which loathes everything impure,
a discretion regarding all the hidden things of truth
and secrets of inner knowledge.
from the Manual of Discipline of the Dead Sea Scrolls"
pg., 105, The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
This surviving fragment from the Dead Sea Scroll contains a number of elements of the Word that has been received thus far, suggesting that this is the "Habitical Law" that the visiting possible Christ the Essene spoke of in my dream. There are additional segments referring to the "Law", so our Easter egg hunt for clues is being answered!
Manifesting Christ Conciousness:
August 6, 2024
"My children, let not the things which are not thine cleave unto thee!
Let not the world grow unto thee, as the creeping vine groweth fast to the oak, so that thou dost suffer pain when it is torn from thee.
Naked earnest thou from thou mother's womb, and naked shalt thou return thither.
The world giveth and the world taketh away. But no power in heaven or earth can take from thee the Holy Law which doth reside within thee."
pgs., 114-115, The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
August 10, 2024
"Of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds,
Which make strong the foundations of the Kingdom of Light.
All good thought, words, and deeds
Inhabit the heaven as their home."
pgs. 212-213, The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
When I had written under the beginning painting of Christ on His Throne,
good thoughts, good words, good deeds, this was from intuition only.
Now to read these exact words as from the Essene doctrine, this gives confirmation of
having received Divine Truth from Source, which is very encouraging!
August 13, 2024
"It is they, the Holy Angels,
Who shall restore the world!
Which will thenceforth never grow old and never die!
Never decaying, ever living, and ever increasing.
Then Life and Immortality will come
And the World will be restored!
Creation will grow deathless,
The Kingdom of the Heavenly Father will prosper,
And evil shall have perished!"
pg., 218, The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
August 19, 2024
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven
The Virgin Mary
The Sun Gods
Maitreya Buddha
Christ on His Throne in Rainbow light
This beauty of capacity is why the human vessel must be saved.
Planetary Liberation:
August 24, 2024
In the night, the serpent is crushed at her feet that lay waiting at her heel.
This literally happened.
A very exciting future ahead
August 25, 2024
"I tell you truly, many are those who do not know peace; for they are at war with their own body; they are at war with their own thoughts; they have no peace with their fathers, their mothers, their children; they have no peace with their friends and neighbors; they know not the beauty of the Holy Scrolls; they labor not through the day in the kingdom of their Earthly Mother, nor do they sleep at night in the arms of their Heavenly Father. Peace reigns not within them, forever do they thirst for that which in the end brings only misery and pain, even those trappings of riches and fame which Satan uses to tempt the Sons of Men, and they live in ignorance of the Law, even that Holy Law by which we live: the path of the Angels of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father."
"How then, may we bring peace to our brothers, Master?" asked some of the Elder, "for we would that all the Sons of Men share in the blessings of the Angel of Peace."
And he answered: "Truly, only he who is at peace with all the Angels can shed the light of peace on others. Therefore, first be at peace with all the Angels of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father. For the winds of a storm stir and trouble the waters of the river, and only the stillness that follows can calm them once again. Take care when your brother asks you for bread, that you give him not stones. Live first in peace with all the angels, for then your peace will be as a fountain that does replenish itself with the giving, and the more you give, so the more you will be given, for such is the Law."
pgs. 279-280 The Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (trans.), First AudioEnlightenment Printing, 2018.
September 1, 2024
A few nights ago I was awakened by one of these fellows,
September 12, 2024
In remembrance of my Enlightenment of September 11, 2016,
I used the Stairway to Heaven music to help generate energy to spring board me into Enlightenment. This could be considered a reversal usage of the satanic spell.
This would be an example of the dark being ultimately in service to the Light.
David speaks in depth about the symbols of the black sun, enlightenment etc.
September 15, 2024
I have been evaluating the recent statements sent via the French of the Last Supper interpretation at the Olympics, and the church burning of the Immaculate Conception in Saint-Omer. Firstly, who are the French sending their messages to, the Catholic church, the general public, or someone else? We don't know. Certainly they are spiritually coded messages. Given my own encounters with the Divine, I feel it appropriate to respond to these attacks on Holiness.
Humans create their own hell on earth by way of inflammatory reactivity. I am reminded of the Victor Hugo story of Les Miserables. Being a Cambron or Cambronne, I can identify with the General Cambronne's response at the battle of Waterloo when being asked to surrender. I am partially French and Italian with an appreciation for the dramatic fight to the bitter end response. The ego wants to fight to remain of use in the individual.
The question is, do we actually want "the bitter end"? Do we want to experience bitterness or sweetness? Do we want destruction and mayhem, or to experience a different human potential of blissful Love and Light? I believe the human soul is ultimately seeking the latter.
We can choose to flail about perpetuating the state of misery, but why remain there? Are we so afraid to let go of suffering? Afraid to look inward? Afraid to find the demons lurking in the inner world? Demons will disappear if we let them go and ask for the Light to enter. Nothing is more beautiful than to be in the Godly energy, so striving for inner contentment is worthy of the pain experienced by self evaluation. Gradually we calm the beast within, shame and guilt subside, and the love of beauty remains.
The Buddhist Path can bring us from the state of destructiveness and into a new version of self. Milarepa was trained in sorcery and then dedicated himself fully to the Buddhist teachings, and gained Enlightenment. This is a wonderful story of redemption, one we can identify with to break out of the cycle of self destruction. It does require work, which is a type of suffering, the suffering of doing without sometimes. Withholding from reactivity, restraining from our impulsive actions. Discipline requires effort, but there come rewards.
This is a perfect response to suffering:
The human vessel must remain unadulterated. Human microchipping is not permitted, because it is an abomination against our godly given form.
This alignment with A.I. may necessitate a complete separation from the political system.
September 16. 2024
The Ark was created and all that is Good was placed within.
The Ark becomes the One.
"The Holy Spirit — episkiasei —overshadows the Virgin Mary. And, even Protestant commentators on Luke, who know the Old Testament well and who have looked at this have said it appears here that Mary is being depicted as the new Ark of the Covenant. In other words, her body is the new dwelling place of God on earth."
Very beautiful
September 26,
The experience of witnessing the womb of Mary being filled with all that we know to be Good, was so profound, I dared not speak of the Holiness immediately. What was understood, was that the Ark of the Covenant was related to Noah's Ark. In the metaphysical realm, Mary's womb was presented as a white vessel in the shape of a rounded Noah's Ark, then all that is Good was placed inside to be preserved.
Giving birth to enlightenment:
September 30, 2024 How the dark Web entraps the population
When experiencing Kundalini in 1997 and resting one night on Navajo sacred land,
I was shown by Spirit the luciferian worldwide Web. I was told of how there was a network between various institutions such as the police, medical and psychiatric systems.
These institutions were to enforce a mind control over the population and if anyone started to Awaken to Higher consciousness, these control systems would interfere if alerted.
This began my formal spiritual instruction on the network control system, and soon I became aware of David Icke and read a number of his books which defines this network at length.
In my dreams last night, I was being shown "how the dark side establishes
anchors for it's Web". The anchors would be Hollywood movies, the music industry, and the educational system, for example. The movie industry creates imagery for the public to ingest. For those people who have poor inner vision, they will only be able to see the dark thoughts provided for them, and not be able to override them with their own positive visions. It is by this means that people fall into the dark Web and become trapped. Furthermore, they may listen to the luciferian music which keeps them hypnotized in darkness. Then when their lives begin to fail from lack of good vision, they turn to alcohol for pain relief. They drink alcohol that has been cursed with evil "spirits", which finishes off the job of devolution of the victims.
People are also effected by their peer groups and can be easily led astray into darkness, especially the young. Hollywood uses celebrities to lead the youth astray during the free time of the individual. While in school, the individual is indoctrinated into a false belief system. We can take the subject of human history, for example. By doing a little independent research, we find that there has been suppressed archeological evidence of human history that do not match the indoctrinated story lines. Robert Sepehr has made a wonderful series of videos shown on youtube that calls into question the many historical falsehoods being taught to the general population. .
When an individual is deprived of the truth of their spiritual, cultural, and historical roots, they are left vulnerable to dark influences. By this stripping down of the belief system, it can be difficult to maintain a good sense of self and a connection to the Divine goodness. Personally, the antidote for this entrapment has been the study and practice of Buddhism, certainly other religions can do the same for other people. We are in the thick of the battle now, and it is important for the Light Workers to maintain the positive visions for the population.
Dolores Cannon has give the name of the antichrist through Rising Phoenix Aurora
November 5, 2025 written Nov. 7
Trump was given a laurel wreath for a landslide victory.
The Ascension process for humanity is being protected.
The Divine is assisting us.
Thank you Almighty God, Christ, the Virgin Mary, Buddha, Tara, Vishnu, Mahakala, and Vajrayogini.
A stream of nectar descends from the Divine Beings and enters into the United States of America, the New Atlantis. It fills the entire nation and purifies all unwholesome acts, obscurations, faults and failings, diseases, harmful demons and obstructions, and we receive the blessings of the three secrets, Body, Speech, and Mind, of the Divine Beings.
Rainbow Light covers America. We ask for Divine protection from all enemies.
We ask for the healing of our nation. We ask that all beings and Earth be protected.
The Earth is our Mother who selflessly gives to us of Her Goodness.
We in turn need to care for Her. She is to us as the Virgin Mary is to the Christ.
As a child I was granted the blessing of living on hunting grounds of the original Americans in Michigan. I would lie upon the grasses of the meadow and feel the Divine earth energies enter my spirit. This memory has has preserved me through many a dark time when all hope felt lost. The beauty of nature is is so very precious, as it is the evidence of the Divine Work. Thank you and Blessings to all. May we experience the Golden Age.
May we always follow the inner Divine directives.
A nod to the dark side, as you have helped in the process of our Victory!
Nessun Dorma!
Surrender 2 love
Ave Maria
November 8, 2024
This morning I am rereading Revelations. Chapter 6-2, speaks of one who sat upon a white horse and held a bow, and a crown was given to him.
I am reminded of the days of my kundalini awakening when I was given a bow from the Divine. Spirit spoke in an audible voice to me for a number of days, which may be referred by some as the voice of God. I was told that the string of my bow would be pulled back now. During this next period of time, all of that which held me back would be lifted from me. Once these obstructions and defilements had been removed, the string of my bow would be released, and my arrow would then be able to go to great heights into the Heavens.
I do not say that these happenings are exclusive to me. Maybe a number of people are also experiencing these Divine occurrences. I am simply reporting the most significant communications for the sake of all.
This is a collaboration of all beings on earth for awakening into the ascension.
May we receive the Blessings of the Holy One
A wonderful discussion of the underlying spiritual issues
November 14, 2024
This summer during a Buddhist Refuge Ceremony led by Lama Lodu Rinpoche, I was given my spiritual name of Yeshe Khandro. The meaning is sky dancer or wisdom dakini, of which I have been investigating the origin of meanings. One of the books from my local library has investigated the amrita of which the deities, including Vajrayogini, are depicted consuming. The book Secret Drugs of Buddhism, by Mike Crowley, makes the connection of enlightenment with the consumption of plant medicine. Interesting...
I recall my first teacher of meditation in childhood was a maple tree. In front of our farm house were two adjacent trees. My brother taught me how to climb up the tree trunks to get to a lower branch which allowed me to balance upon while sitting. The view from the branch overlooked a broad field. I enjoyed to gaze and daydream from this place during the summer. I recall one day the tree instructing me to close my eyes after having gazed happily upon the meadow. This began my instruction on meditation from nature, a truly "organic" process. Mike Crowley has an interesting chapter in his book on Goddesses and their trees. He makes a connection between Green Tara and the acacia tree. We also recall the Buddha experienced Enlightenment under a tree.
If God has created all things and God is in all things, then God exists in the plant kingdom, as well. Should we reject the wisdom of the ancients who used plant medicines to access the Divine and heal the soul, because from our modern view point this practice is taboo?
I would argue that if we are not receiving Truth from our educational systems, then we must look elsewhere for Truth. God knows everything, therefore, God should be our foundation for knowledge. How do we access Divine knowledge? A means is through nature and specifically through plants.
This maybe too radical of a statement, and I feel a bit reluctant to present this argument. I do trust my process of investigation, however, and I am being guided to speak thus.
If we are to collectively make it into the Golden Age, our Path is through the inner journey.
Last night in my dreams, I was navigating a large tan stone into the sky like a magic carpet. Perhaps this relates to being a sky dancer, curious.
November 22, 2024
Mike Crowley further clarifies underlying meaning of the dakini on pg 249,
"The various tantras prescribe different recipes for this ambrosia (amrita),
with differing effects...Particular herbal ingredients may infuse the compound with the power of the deity of the place from where they were gathered...These herbs may be medicinal panaceas and may also possess psychedelic properties. Their pharmacological qualities... are actually identifies as sky-dancers (dakinis)..."
The Sacred Life of Tibet, Dowman, K, 1997, pg. 140-141.
Responsible use of such medicinal treatments should only be administered under the guidance of a doctor, spiritual teacher, or shaman. Shamans were the priests and doctors of ancient times; they were trained as healers. During ceremonies, the shaman would commune with spiritual guides to restore the physical, mental, and spiritual health of members of the community. Herbs or plant medicine might be given to a patient. In a ceremonial setting, the shaman would watch over the patient to help guide the dream time, ward off demonic attacks, and ensure that the soul of the patient is brought back to this time space. Being that psychedelics are very powerful substances which could potentially bring harm to inexperienced individuals, they should not be administered without proper supervision.
A great discussion on relationships with the use of plant medicine:
December 13, 2024
The pieta within the newly restored Notre Dame Cathedral is an inspiring image emblematic of our present moment. The esoteric meaning of the pieta is that through suffering the Christ consciousness is born. The Universe will orchestrate extreme suffering upon an individual to induce a rebirth into Higher consciousness, just as a walnut shell must be cracked open to reveal the inner sanctum. Interestingly, the walnut is shaped like a human brain, and within the brain lies the pineal gland, which connects us to our sacred beingness. During a kundalini experience, when the chakras are unblocked allowing the energy to rise, then the pineal gland can become activated. One wonders if there is an esoteric meaning behind the Nutcracker Suite of the pineal gland activation.
Christ gave of Himself completely for the Good of All. This is the message of Unity consciousness. When we are willing to suffer for the Good of All, then we are ready for graduation into Higher levels of awareness. Collectively, we have endured great suffering with covid, which brought loss of life for many. We have endured economic hardships, and massive homelessness. Would this be the Universe allowing suffering to propel us collectively into Higher consciousness? David Wilcock is prophesying that next year in 2025, will be a time of collective Ascension.
In the night, I was reminded of the metaphysical Bow given to me by God in 1997.
The bow string being pulled back was a metaphor for my letting go of emotional blockages and defilements. Once this had occurred, then the divine arrow would be projected into the Heavens. The arrow is a metaphor for the #1 riddle previously discussed.
Once the collective had become One we will have Won, then we become the arrow of God, the #1. America became unified in the election of Trump, we became One, and Won the election. We are the collective arrow now being shot into the heavens to experience the Ascension.
The Mission, overcoming obstacles and defilements, to do the work of God.
The actors may be of both the dark and Light, as everyone has a Role to Play.
The spiritual song of Tilopa is yet another version of the walnut metaphor of realization:
"Sesame oil is the essence.
Although the ignorant know that it is in the sesame seed,
They do not understand the way of cause, effect, and becoming,
And therefore are unable to extract the essence, the sesame oil.
Although innate coemergent wisdom
Abides in the heart of all beings,
If it is not shown by the guru it cannot be realized,
Just as sesame oil that remains in the seed does not appear.
If one removes the husk by pounding the sesame seed,
The sesame oil, the essence, appears.
In the same way, the guru shows the truth of reality,
And all phenomena become indivisible in one essence.
The far-reaching, unfathomable meaning
Is apparent at this very moment.
O how wondrous!
(Meaning)...although the dharamakaya pervades all sentient beings, if the guru does not point out this fact or if the path of realization is not practiced, the end result of the practice will not be realized."
pgs. 19-20, Tilopa's Wisdom His Life and Teachings on the Ganges Mahamudra, Khenchen Thrangu, Snow Lion, 2019.
The essence may also be referring to the oil excreted by the pineal gland during kundalini activation, which produces Christ consciousness.
"In Mahamudra practice, buddhahood can be attained in one body and in one lifetime. The reason for this is that Mahamudra uses the mind of the practitioner as an object of direct experience. The recognition that ensues from this is the foundation for the accomplishment of supreme attainment. There have been many siddhas in the Kagyu tradition who have attained full awakening in one lifetime through this use of direct experience."
pg. 22, Tilopa's Wisdom His Life and Teachings on the Ganges Mahamudra, Khenchen Thrangu, Snow Lion, 2019.
Christ consciousness
The lost years of Jesus
January 2, 2025
Last night I had a dream of being at a banquet among a gathering of people;
seemingly a celebration of good cheer. I was the last to come before the table laden with dishes of food. From the back of the table, a sheet of paper, or fabric, began to lift itself upwards. This astonished the people around me. The sheet floated from left to right like a magic carpet, then turned towards where I stood, and floated down before me onto the table once again. On the sheet was a Christian cross composed of foods such as feta cheese and fruits.
I interpreted the message to be that I was being fed from the Grace of God.
January 3, 2025
The ending of my nightly dream is an image of a man in classic Revolutionary attire wearing a tricorner hat, and his hair pulled back with a black ribbon. He is walking from right to left along a seaside dock; it is nighttime. He is carrying a Christian cross, similar in size to the cross presented in last night's dream.
My interpretation of the message would be that we need to remain focused upon the cross, which represents Christ, that will bring us the reward of our modern day revolution. We must never give up, and never give in. The Divine is guiding us in our efforts of Planetary Liberation.
Jnauary 10, 2025
Ismael Perez reports that the LA. fires were deliberately set:
As the saying goes, "evil destroys itself in the end".
The heart of evil is a raging fire desiring insatiable destruction
to bring about suffering for everyone.
Evil lives in misery, distrust, and self centered hatred.
All that is good, evil wishes to disgrace.
Evil seduces good people into it's house of horrors by means of deception,
destroys personal integrity, then spits broken people out like garbage.
Evil is the proverbial dragon in the cave eating the innocent villagers,
that needs to be vanquished for goodness to once again thrive.
May the gods of goodness watch over us, protect us, provide nourishment physically and spiritually for us all. Please purify our souls from all evil, demons, all unwholesome acts, obscurations, faults, failings, diseases, and obstructions.
May we receive the blessings of God's Grace.
Love subdues evil
"Of vajra being, Trungpa Rinpoche writes, "It brings an experience of complete indestructibility that is unchallengeable, immoveable, and completely solid. The experience of indestructibility can only occur when we realize that nonexistence is possible...Such indestructibility can only come out of the state of nothingness, egolessness, or nonexistence...(out of) a basic attitude of trust in the nonexistence of our being.""
pg. 127, Secret of the Vajra World, Reginald A. Ray, Shambhala, 2002.
Because we are made of both good and "bad" potential behaviors, how do we practice developing goodness in our hearts and repress evil tendencies?
When our energy becomes like the essence of water, we become fluid, and nonresistant, then we begin to imitate the God force. Water purifies. Water dissolves many substances, as love dissolves hate. By dissolving the inner defenses, we can dissolve reactivity to the behaviors of others.
When we realize that all things that we possess are actually empty of substance but are in truth our mental constructs, then there is actually nothing to defend. If we have lost our possessions, we simply must dream, and dream again better dreams than before. We take control of our mind; this is the main tool we are given to operate and work towards mastering. When we are chaotic inside, everything around us becomes chaotic. When we are peaceful inside, the world reflects greater peacefulness.
When we look outside at the landscape, feel that the molecules of your body are extending into all that is around you. (Perhaps this is easier to do in a beautiful open area.)
The body radiates into all existence; try doing this as a regular practice. By doing so, we can talk to the elements, we can shift the wind, and call upon the water when needed.
We can practice emanating love energy into all things, including animals and people. Animals will be noticeably attracted by the love energy projected, and so will people.
Practice observing others not for the sake of taking advantage of their weaknesses, but seeking how we can be supportive to their needs. See others as a reflection of the self with needs, wants, fears, frailties, darkness and light. Look for the goodness in people.
Let go of attachments. Let go of that which no longer serves. Let ugliness, fear, hatred, evil, darkness, meanness, dissolve back into nothingness. Nothing can be destroyed, if all is inherently empty of existence. When we no longer grasp onto things outside the self for inner stability, selfish tendencies naturally dissolve. Selfishness is the basis for evil tendencies.
"In the tantric notion of indestructibility, there is no ground, no basic premise, and no particular philosophy except one's own experience."
pg. 127, Secret of the Vajra World, Reginald A. Ray, Shambhala, 2002.
January 11, 2025
I was not raised with a religious belief system; I was taught by my father to not believe in God or Christ. The educational system I was exposed to, taught Darwinian evolution and discouraged Christian ideology. However, in my early 20's my beginning awareness of the Divine began to contradict these atheistic beliefs.
I began to build my belief system upon my direct experiences from supernatural occurrences. One mystical experience after another became my foundation for questioning the nature of "reality". What is reality? Is reality what we are instructed by the system to believe in? Or is reality something we are to discover by the process of our own inner questioning?
I began to understand that what we were being instructed to believe in the school system was actually indoctrination. Why were we being instructed to believe in one set of principles as opposed to another seemed arbitrary, and were changeable over time.
How could principles that were constantly changing, be relied upon as a basis for a belief system? Because of the inconsistencies I encountered with the conventional belief system, I built my personal belief system of what constituted reality.
I decided that there must be fundamental principles of how reality works that are unchangeable, but how do we know what is actually true? My inner knowing became my basis for testing out the nature of reality. I would have realizations about how life operated, then test out these ideas. I would discard ideas that were weak and keep those that produced positive results. I was later to discover that Buddhism aligned with the belief structure I had intuitively created.
I seemingly am contradicting my earlier writings by saying that I didn't believe in God before my 20's. I did have God consciousness feeding me awarenesses, but I didn't know them to be defined as from a Divine source. It was not until much later in life did I realize that this was what people referred to as God speaking to them, because I had not been taught to think in this way. One can have a split in personalities, an outer an inner personality. Outwardly, in order to function within society, one may adopt a set of beliefs, but inwardly having private understandings that are not the same. Privately, we can have doubts and questions about conventional thinking but not share them with others for fear of criticism. Therefore, privately I may have known that the Divine was speaking to me from a young age, but my outward personality would not have admitted this. This caused a good deal of unnecessary anxiety for me as a young person, and perhaps was a motivation for me to hunger for the "Truth".
January 12, 2025
I just received a warning from Spirit of a Chinese attack to our nation.
The dream image was of a day of the dead type skeleton dressed in Chinese attire with an upraised left arm, and a small five pointed star was above his head. In back of the figure a swirling motion indicated aggressive movement. The inner voice said this is "the time of the Chinese attack".
January 21, 2025
The Presidential inauguration was truly amazing! President Donald Trump's speeches were inspiring and I loved his phrase, "the dawn of the new golden age". How wonderful for the ceremony to be set inside beautiful capitol building. I especially loved the golden dawn painting used as the focal piece for the luncheon and the marching minute men!
I am hoping that we can quickly evolve from using petroleum for fueling our automobiles to having anti gravity machines available, and Tesla free energy machines, then life will be heavenly!
January 22, 2025
When performing housecleaning, I have learned to conquer one section of the house at a time. I purify with Goodness and Light the first section, then move on to the next, and so forth until the house is completely rid of all dirt and energy of darkness. This is how we can Purify the Nation of God, America, and bring it back to it's true state of Goodness. We Liberate ourselves first with God's Goodness and Light, and then proceed with aiding other Nations with their Purification.
A stream of nectar descends from the Guru and the Four Deities and enters through the crown of America. It fills the whole body, and purifies all unwholesome acts, obscurations, faults and failings, diseases, harmful demons and obscurations, and America receives the blessings of the Guru and the Four Deities' three secrets.
I am calling on all of the gods of Goodness to Purify our Holy Nation with Divine Blessings of the Conquerors of Light. May all return to Wholesomeness.
May all be in Gratitude, for Almighty God's Grace over our Nation of America.
"Together with all Nations we protect both land and life, and hold the world in balance."
A Hopi Blessing
May this blessing be heard and received by Christ, the Virgin Mary, Vishnu, Krishna, Buddha, Tara, Zoroaster, Padmasambhava, Ra, Isis, Quan Yin, the Maitreya Buddha, and our ancestors dedicated to Holiness.
Nessun dorma! We did it! Victory, I love it!
Magic is in the air, the Holy Spirit is guiding us. Buddha is so proud of our launching His Golden Age!
Human Liberation!
This is not good...
This is where I was worried things were heading, and I am not on board.
January 23, 2025
Humanity needs freedom from living in fear. We do not need to exchange one evil tyranny for another evil agenda. A.I. transhumanism is a negative agenda. Microchipping the population is an ungodly agenda.
For humanity to live a free existence, we need freedom from debt slavery. People need the disclosure of the Nazi agenda. Humanity needs their basic needs met such as housing, food, and protection from being harmed. Humanity needs the freedom to be creative in a naturalistic manner. They need the time and space to be able to connect with the God source.
Ishmael Perez has sound ideas of how to educate the population in a healthy manner. Christ and Buddha are our role models. The Tibetans are our social role models. Teaching society about kindness and compassion and preparing them for Ascension is the Godly Way.
Advancements in technology could be providing Tesla free energy machines for the population. Providing anti gravity machines to replace fossil fuel automobiles. Advanced healing technologies using sound and light frequency.
Yes, we have talked about including everyone in our future timeline. Everyone has a role to play, but evil must be kept in check. Evil must not dominate people, and force them into complying with the will of a few.
Love is the Way as embodied by the love of the Virgin Mary for her Christ Child.
January 24, 2025 The Turtle wins the Race
Get rich schemes may seem appealing, but could have long term negative consequences.
Drilling for oil on our precious land will damage its surface in many ways, and will contaminate the water table. During the process of fracking for oil, poisonous chemicals are thrust down into the earth. This chemical soup seeps into the water supply and the people who inhabit the land soon become very ill. I personally have known individuals who have suffered the effects of exposure to these undisclosed chemicals. Their health was destroyed. Once underground water is contaminated, how can it be cleaned?
We only have to look to the example of China to see how contaminating your homeland with poisons will lead to very unhealthy living conditions. This is why China is trying to take over foreign lands. They can no longer sustain themselves in their own country because they have fowled their nest. We don't need to repeat other country's mistakes.
Strengthening society in a healthy manner is the way forward. What are ways to strengthen society? I have listed some examples in my former writing.
January 26, 2025
The plethora of signs and symbols displayed at the inauguration has been intriguing to decode. Spirit indicated the meaning behind the fireworks display, and the sound track was indeed familiar! Melania reminds me of a Tatar princess, she is both brilliant and beautiful, as well as an excellent role model for women. Thank you for your bravery.
January 29, 2025
A warning for Trump:
January 30, 2025
We have all worked diligently to elevate ourselves to a higher level of consciousness.
Everyday we are striving collectively to achieve our goals, however, evil never rests.
Evil is always seeking to gain the upper hand, therefore we must always be on guard.
Personally, I never fully trust anyone, (even myself sometimes!), I only trust the Divine.
People are always susceptible to negative influences. We do not want to disappoint Higher Consciousness. The Divine has expectations for Earth, which is, that we are prepare Earth for a 4th density positive timeline.
We can make mistakes, but then we must get ourselves back on track.
God will be disappointed in me if I fail to do my appointed job.
February 1, 2025
When we approach an obstacle, we find our way over it, and then regain our footing and move on.
February 2, 2025
I am researching about the iron rod of Padmasambhava this morning. I had taken on the embodiment of Padmasambhava in January of 2019 and had been given his staff for dealing with the demonic entities within the United States of America.
This past summer I was formally given the spiritual name of Yeshe Khandro.
Yeshe Tsogyal was the consort of Padmasambhava and practised Vajrakilaya.
According to Google, "Vajrakilaya is a wrathful form of the Buddha Vajrasattva in Tibetan Buddhism. He is a prominent deity associated with purification, removing obstacles, and protection."
Yeshe Tsogyal carries the staff of Padmasambhava.
The prayers of Vajrakilaya
The staff of Padmasambhava is the khatvanga. "Khatvanga is a significant symbol in various spiritual traditions. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is depicted as a club that embodies authority and mastery over reality. In Purana, Khatvanga represents a notable ancestor in the lineage of Sagara, a weapon important in battles, and a liberated individual exemplifying divine realization. Other traditions interpret Khatvanga as a weapon of strength in Yoga, a ritualistic object in Shaivism, and a magic stick representing control in Mahayana, showcasing its multifaceted symbolism across cultures. Khatvanga in Buddhism symbolizes the practitioner's power and control over external forces. It is represented as a divine club, signifying authority and mastery over the illusion of reality, often carried by revered figures like Padmasambhava.",by%20revered%20figures%20like%20Padmasambhava.
Revelations chapter 12 states:
""She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”"
Is the Khatvanga the iron rod referred to in Revelations chapter 12?
I was given the Khatvanga when I was in combat with the Federal Reserve in order to end the enslavement program on Earth. Interestingly, on the top of the Khatvanga are three heads of the colors red, white and blue.
" red head : the six heaven- worlds of the Realms of Desire,
The white skull, the four pervasive heaven-worlds of the Form-less Realm
blue head: the eighteen heaven-worlds of the Realms of Form
The vajra at the top signifies Akanishta. The highest heaven-world of the Form Realm and the abode of Vairochana, and thereby of all Buddhas."
" On the peak of Copper-Colored Mountain in the Land of Demonesses,
The guru's three kayas as the Lord of Uddiyana (Padmasambhava)
gave countless empowerments and teachings of the Eight Great
Sadhanas and others, and made prophecies; I supplicate you,"
pg. 473, Shangpa Kagyu the Tradition of Khyungpo Nalijor: Part Two, Jamgon Kongtrul, trans. Sarah Harding, Snow Lion, 2023.
With the God Almighty above us as witness, and holding the Khatvanga,
We the People of the United States of America are joined together as One to strengthen and purify our Nation. For the sake of all beings, we are now purified of all demonic intensions upon our Nation, so that we may in turn aid all other countries to also rid themselves of demonic influences. With all of the Buddhas in unification, we do so for the freedom and Liberty of All.
February 8, 2025
Part of the unlearning of false programming, is realizing the power of the dream state. We were taught as children to disregard dreams, when in actuality they can contain important communications from Higher consciousness. Yesterday, I spent time in meditation visualizing Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal. I spoke to them of my desire that Robert F. Kennedy be nominated as Secretary of Health. Then, last night in my dreams, I was introduced to Robert, and I was told that we are related. We shook hands and he gave me a warm smile. Meeting and speaking with people in the dream body is a much more efficient way to do business than in the physical body!
February 10, 2025
Upon waking yesterday, I heard the words, "what if you woke up to find you didn't understand anything?" My interpretation of this thought, is that could be where may people are finding themselves. This is where we have to go through murky waters; in this area there are no hard dualistic answers. We must tread water through the feeling self.
Personally, I don't experience those feelings of being confused by life anymore.
Years ago, I was confused about consensual reality, as nothing made much sense.
I devoted myself to finding out the deeper truths through the study of philosophy, spiritual studies, and observation. I now am secure on my perceptions of what is happening around me, even if I do not like how things appear.
For those who are lost at this time, there may not be a quick solution to gain a more accurate perspective. People maybe clinging to their old belief systems for identity survival, even if those beliefs no longer provide rational sense. The information warfare is a toxic minefield with no clear answers. People have been conditioned to accept the mainstream narrative or else by socially ostracized. Finding out truth is primarily an internal procedure.
The process of waking up from mass hypnosis can be extremely frightening. As a result, many will choose to return to sleep walking. For those courageous souls, who are seekers of truth, with time and effort they may eventually find a place of solace.
February 12, 2025
Elon comments about coming from the heart
February 20, 2025
President Donald Trump is truly a great hero to be able to bring about the potential end to the several on going wars. He has accomplished so many difficult tasks so quickly in his first days of office, it's unbelievable. The Trump team is plowing through a tremendous amount of problems, it's like a whirlwind! I'm overwhelmed with amazement and gratitude.
Putting afore mentioned concerns aside, Elon is doing a marvelous service to the nation as the IT for Trump. May he continue in the direction of service to others, and we will all greatly benefit from his brilliance. I'm also so glad that Robert F Kennedy is now the Secretary of Health.
Finally, we are starting to head in a positive direction on many fronts.
February 23, 2025
Reap what ye have sown
If you have sown evil, you shall reap evil. If you have sown goodness, you shall reap goodness.
The proliferation of crime is a multilayered result of enculturated corruption.
Young men have been led astray because they have been left unattended by parents as children, families no longer teach children religious instruction, and the public education system is no longer providing vocational schools. Why did the educational system decide trade schools were no longer relevant? We still need people to build houses, build and repair automobiles, and to become plumbers etc... Not all people are able or willing to become academic and go to college. Traditional craft schools and fine arts schools should be also reinvigorated into the system, and CIA influenced ugly art styles rejected. Native peoples need to be continuing their rich culture of creating beautiful goods. People begin to lose hope if they stop creating beauty. Young people need a reason to be alive other than to go to work to make money, and speaking of which, many people cannot afford rent and food. This is crushing the hopes of young men and women.
The other major contribution to criminal behavior, is the video game industry that teaches children how to become criminals. These videos should be eliminated completely from society. The movies produced by Hollywood promote evil ideology. Movies now depict the usage of guns as the way to solve conflicts. This is complete nonsense! Is it any wonder why young men are joining gangs and robbing people? No, it's being taught to them. Who is behind this evil? Probably our enemies.
We have lost a generation of skilled workers and instead have bred a generation of criminals. The responsibility is on all of us for allowing corruptive influences to permeate our culture. We need to support women to stay at home to raise children with good values, get rid of the evil indoctrination of Hollywood, and bring back vocational high schools.
Teaching young people the value of becoming a contributing member of society is of utmost importance, if we want to turn the criminal epidemic around. Truth needs to be taught to all peoples, which is the Divine Truth as taught by Christ and by most positive religious institutions. The deception of evil that has crept into society needs to be exposed. Disclosure of how our institutions have been victimizing society needs to happen so people can live without so much cognitive confusion.
Karma lesson 101
My inner directive today was saying, "money is not our God". If we worship money putting it before our value of people and other beings, we are being misdirected.
Putting money above our concerns for others, is service to self. It is nice to have things, but when we get our life review after death, we relive how we interacted with people. The test when we come to Earth is concerned with how we behave with others. Did we choose to be nice and generous with people, or did we choose our own needs above others?
We live in a capitalistic society, wherein, we have the freedom to choose how to live our life to a great extent. This is good, but, if choose to do things that are hurtful to others even if it makes us money, there is karma for all actions. What are the seeds we are planting for every action? Are the actions bringing about harm or benefit? For instance, if we produce and sell videos to children teaching them to become criminals, we may be making money, but we are creating seeds of destruction. The karma may come back to those that participate in such activities, that you or your loved ones are harmed by a criminal that learned such behavior from the videos you profited from. Karma balances the scales.
Unloved and unparented children raised on destructive TV culture, can grow up to become a menace to society. Likewise, a society without spiritual teachings can become a destructive social environment. Knowing this, our enemies have been working to detach our citizens from religious underpinnings, so that we would destroy ourselves from within.
Understandably, the overhaul of society is a monumental task and yet it needs to happen. We must be brave and speak truth from the heart. Reduce problems down to their simplest form, down to the seeds of destruction, then root them out.
36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
Our the Lady of Fatima prophesied that if Russia converted to the adherence of religious teachings, we could regain world Peace. Russia has many steps in this direction, which is to be commended. Ideally, to fully walk the Path of Christ, humanity will cease to kill one another altogether. This can be accomplished by the teaching of positive spiritual instruction. We must put our will and focus to this goal.
May the Virgin Mary guide us in this mission.
February 24, 2025
The Homeless
The homeless are causing havoc to our downtown areas. There are frequent shootings in the homeless sections, broken windows, and general destruction to businesses. Because of this, the homeless community should be relocated to the outskirts of town.
Land could be provided by the government, and tiny house communities established.
Trade schools could donate efforts to help with the construction of the tiny houses, and the homeless could also contribute efforts in their building. Instruction on construction would be apart of the establishment. Showers and kitchen facilities could be communal, and everyone who would live there would have to contribute in their maintenance. Rules and regulations would be enforced with no drug usage tolerated etc. Busing could provide needed transportation into the city. Grocery stores produce volumes of wasted foods that could be sent to these homeless villages.
Housing is a necessity for everyone, and the cost of housing has surpassed its affordability for many. It is inhumane for people to suffer outside in the freezing cold, rain, and heat of the summer without shelter. We have the means as a society to do something for those in need, but for whatever reason no one is really making an effort.
This is a great failure of our society, and illustrates that we have not arrived at the ideal social structure yet.
The National Heath
A suggestion to immediately improve the health of the nation, and to alleviate the worries about colds and flus, would be to start manufacturing the Dinshah Health Society Lamps. The ridiculous law against the production of the lamps needs to be lifted. The AMA determined the lamps to be a threat to their industry, and suppressed their sales.
Now, however, we should utilize their brilliant benefits for general health and make them available to the public in mass. Every family in the world should have one or more of the Dinshah lamps. This would bring jobs to our nation and bring great benefit to all.
I have used the lamps for 24 years and have cured numerous illnesses for myself and my family. They are cheap to produce and have virtually no side effects. The lamps could be modernized, but the tones should be kept as determined by Dinshah, because altering the colors could render the lamps ineffective.
The human body needs a balance of the color spectrum to be healthy. Simply put, the sun is our source of life, and therefore it should be easy to understand that an imbalance of it's rays could cause ill health. For that matter, the fashion trend of grey and black will only bring ill health to the public, and needs to be replaced quickly with a return to the usage of beneficial colors for body and spirit.
February 25, 2025
Every facet of human life in America has been effected by Satanic destructiveness, and therefore, every aspect needs revamping.
The Forestry Service
Our beautiful mountain forests have been nearly destroyed by the mismanagement of the forestry service. The proscribed burn practice has failed to produce positive results, and has instead been mostly responsible for burning down our forests. Any sensible person knows that starting to burn undergrowth during the dry windy spring season is going to lead to disastrous end. The result of this practice has caused our mountains to be denuded and burned many homes. What good did this practice accomplish? Why continue to do this? We would be better served to allow nature to start a fire with lightning striking trees. When there is lightning, there is rain to follow to help mitigate extensive fire damage. The Europeans manage their forests well by cleaning the undergrowth. Employ herds of goats and other animals to the clean up the forest beds. Employ people to remove dead and down logs for firewood. Our citizens have unfortunately grown unwilling to do hard labor, but this quick fix method to tending the forest has resulted in burning it down altogether. A new system needs to replace this failed method of forestry.
February 28, 2025
I have been called upon to speak on behalf of all beings on Earth. During a ceremony, I did accept to take on the sufferings of the planet, therefore, I am speaking as an overseer. The rite of taking on the suffering of all beings is apparently apart of the ceremonial processes of becoming "Christed". This may shed new light on the interpretation of Jesus Christ taking on the collective sins.
Many issues are troubling, and so it is difficult to know where to start in the overhaul process. I would wish to continue a bit more on the subject of the trees. Trees are sacred beings and need to be respected as such. Exploitation of any beings causes suffering.
Human seem to be oblivious of the stress we are putting upon the tree population. We are turning these wise beings into cardboard boxes, which becomes junk that ends up in the landfill. We are clear cutting the forests. We are being not sensible with our treatment of the trees, however we need the trees as our oxygen supply.
An alternative to clear cutting, would be selective cutting to thin out trees. Growing hemp for paper goods would be a renewable resource to replace some of the burden from the tree over usage.
Think for a moment how the planet Mars looks denuded of plants and trees. Do we want our Earth to look this way? I should think not, unless we are idiots!
Therefore, we need to be aware of the importance of the plant kingdom. We are so caught up in the drama of human life, that we are prone to forget about the Set Design.
Eden was not described as barren land. Paradise is a place filled with beautiful trees, grasses, flowers and flowing water. I will assume there is flowing water because greenery is supported by water.
A Golden Age, therefore, needs to begin with the preservation and cultivation of the plant Kingdom, which is supported by healthy water and soil. Everything is alive, even the Earth. I am aware of this, because I have been told by Higher Consciousness that in my next incarnation I could become a planet. I am very hesitant to accept this future incarnation because of witnessing the maltreatment of Earth.
Shocking isn't it? What a concept to become a planet? It feels like a lonely proposition. The point being, that we need to be more aware of our effect on EVERYTHING.
Our fears of lack, have created an insatiable desire to consume. This results in an overconsumption of resources, which are what? Plants, animals, trees, and minerals.
The term resources is a way to depersonalize these beings. A Darwinian terminology.
Darwinian terminology is a Satanic cultural influence. By viewing the Earth as not having been created by the Divine, then we can look upon everything as a resource to be exploited.
This is why I have pointed out the Hopi tribe for their wisdom. They are well looked upon by the Creator for their reverence of the Earth. They pray for everything, the plants, animal, rain etc. They do not believe in exploitation of such beings, but only use what is necessary and demonstrate gratitude through prayer for what they have been given. Their culture has outlasted many because of their humble attitude.
Humans have a tendency to forget that everything is granted from the Divine. Our egos get inflated from taking all the credit from what we believe we create. We are so clever, so good looking, etc... In truth we have been blessed, and we should be more humble.
Our cleverness can get us into trouble, just like the Ancient Greek character Icurus. We need to look at all the possible outcomes of every invention and how it will effect the next seven generations, like the Native Americans used to do. We should cultivate more patience.
For instance, is artificial intelligence really necessary, or are we going to create a Frankenstein that we will regret in time? I will venture to say that this will become a nightmare, and is not necessary. Instead, we could simply do the hard work of being more disciplined with our behaviors. We have the capacity to create a paradise on Earth, but we need to agree, first of all, on what is our vision of paradise.
How do we calm our fears? Cultivate gratitude for what we have been blessed with by the Divine. Spend time in our daily life in prayer and meditation. Use our capacity of our inner vision to create what we want to see the world.
With our emphasis upon Change, we have thrown out traditions, as if traditions were something to escape from. Traditions however, were developed over generations ultimately for the purpose of survival. Therefore by abandoning traditions, we are abandoning our potential means of survival. New is not necessarily better. I can think of many new things we are doing now that are terrible ideas. I will refrain from naming some of them, because I do not wish to offend people. The point is that we should not abandon our traditions. Traditions are in many ways good. What are our traditions? Our values, our respect for God, building methods, foods, beliefs, medicines, artistic endeavors, our way to cultivate plants, and care for animals. Satanists have attempted to smash all of these good things, and create nastiness instead.
What is the motivation behind the Obama slogan for "Change"? Our enemies know that if a society is uprooted from their cultural traditions, the citizens become demoralized.
This enables an invading force to overtake the morally weakened society more easily.
Do we wish to become overtaken by an invading force? No, obviously not.
Therefore, we need to reinvigorate our traditional values. A society is happy when their basic needs are met. A society is happy when families are happy, and doing activities together with their communities. People are happy when they have accomplished good deeds. Children need to be needed, because we are social beings. People are happy when they sing and dance together. People are happy when they create and view beautiful objects. People need to feel pride in their culture, their parents, ancestors, and themselves.
Leaving our youth to raise themselves with their phones, is obviously unwise.
If children are committing suicide, there must be a reason for this trend. We are practicing unwise habits, and this is having negative effects on the population. Many things need to be changed now back to what was in order to restore the nation.
We need to let go of the racist name calling, which includes putting down caucasian people for what happened in the past. The past is the past. The Now is the time we have to make corrective action. By putting caucasian people down, this is ultimately intended to demoralize the population. The news only speaks of the terrible things happening, this is demoralizing the population. This makes people depressed.
We actually have a great deal to be proud of. Let us speak about the Goodness that we have accomplished. Let us speak and do that which brings Joy. Happy well people make a strong society that cannot be easily overtaken by outsiders. America has been historically been a nation of leaders. Let us lead other nations by our good example once again.
Let us be wise in our future decision making by reinvigorating our culture.
People need to be emancipated, but so do animals. Chickens need to be emancipated, cows need to be emancipated, and pigs need to be emancipated. Animals love to be outside in nature. Animals love to be free to walk upon the earth with the grasses and the sun overhead.
How do we make children happy? Children love to be outside in a beautiful garden, playing with baby animals, family members nearby, and with a mother cooking in the kitchen. Animals enjoy the company of children. The forest loves to have happy children to give them company. So how do we bring happiness to the children, animals, plants and trees? We have families living on self sustainable small farms, as did our ancestors.
We can modernize farming somewhat, but make it affordable for farmers to practice farming. The farm equipment put farmers into debt and many lost their farms in this manner. Make farm life a realistic lifestyle option, once again. This would help with creating employment, making families happy, and can potentially make animals happier with proper husbandry. Getting people out of the cities would be beneficial to the mental health of the nation. The Ancient Greeks were aware of the negative effects of cities and advocated for limits on the size of cities.
The Christ Child brought down from Heaven to Mary
June 22, 2024
7/15/2024 Christ the Essene communicated from a dream for us to study "Habitical Law"
Ark of the Covenant as seen in a dream on July 3, 2024
The Dove of Mary with the background of a Marigold. During a session with a friend on December 22, 2024, when I was speaking of experiencing the Brahman state, suddenly a white Dove appeared overhead visible through a skylight. It remained there for a length of time. My friend said this was a unique experience of a visiting dove. God had sent the Holy bird, this was obvious.
Coronation day of our Lord and Savior
Cross appearing overhead
Rebirth of the Sun
August 19, 2024
Isis and Mary
The Sun Gods
Planetary Liberation
March 14, 2021
Ascension ceramony
Crown chakra activation, then
ley lines were placed overhead.
Bearing of the Cross
Words conveyed by Spirit standing next to Casa Rinconada of Chaco Canyon 6/97. This is also a Hopi belief; the Anasazi are the ancestors of the Hopi.
Ra and Isis
Created after a visitation from Isis
days before the tsunami hit Indonesia
December 2004. Two veiled Egyptian dancers swirled together then bent sideways at the waist to form the caduceus. Isis presented herself above them in her traditional form with turquoise wings. A very powerful experience.
October 23, 2021
Ave Maria
The Lady of Guadalupe appeared overhead
Enlightenment 9/11/2016.
Image produced 6/2001 from a vision after the New Dawn ceremony, with the sun rising behind the Sangre De Cristo mountains.
The dolphin, a totem of Isis, emerged during a meditation while creating the pastel.
Rainbow Body May 22, 2022
Each color encircled Earth in layers.
Internal self can be either male or female
May 26th 2021, a Grand ceremonial event occurred that had been predicted by the Ancient Aztecs. During the ceremony, I was received by a Divine Council of Light. In retrospect, there may have been only three heads; I only saw them for a few moments.
Spring 2020
Vishnu appearance making an announcement of his name.
May 22, 2022 This could be Vishnu and Lakshmi. "In Vaishnava (worship of Vishnu as a main god) mythology, the cow came to be seen as an embodiment of Lakshmi. In the Bhagavata Purana, the earth takes the form of a cow and asks Vishnu to protect her. That is why Vishnu, her guardian, is called Go-pala, protector of the earth-cow...In times of distress, the earth is believed to take on the form of
A vision from 2001, I named face your fears. I was unaware of the prophecy Revelations chapter 12 at this time. I had a few years of battling with this monster!
A vision from Spirit instructing on diamond mind in 2011. The session was conducted with a practitioner from the Light Institute of Galisteo. The full vision started with a lotus; emerging above the lotus was a diamond and inside was a Buddha. The image was radiant with white light with muted outlines, as I have attempted to capture. This was indicating my Path of Vajrayana Buddhism.
Door to Heaven from July 4th, 2014
May 24, 2023
The Divine energy of the One came down unto Earth. A compilation of the Gods descended in the form of a white candy cane of Energy. The Energy of Buddha, Vishnu, Christ and Quan Yin descended unto my being. I am so grateful to have received their Divine Blessing.
1/2019 During this ceremony, I became the embodiment of Padmasambhava, the Buddha who brought Buddhism from Tibet from East India and did so by subduing the demons. He apparently wanted to help us in our breaking the spells of the demons upon our land. Interestingly, Yeshe Khandro Tsogyal, for which I am associated by my spiritual name, was a disciple of Padmasambhava. I sat upon his lotus as a
One, #1, and Won
Notice the face in the pyramid,
this was not consciously made.
9/18/2024, I spoke with a Hopi tribal member about the meaning of the encircled equilateral cross symbol.
He explained that this symbol is equivalent to the Christian resurrection of Christ. It represents the Sun or "Son" being stationary, or "dying", for three days before Christmas, and then beginning its ascent.
My ancestors
My personality resembles that of Caleb Whitefoord.
My ancestors speak thru me, I feel especially connected to the Merovingians.
Breaking the generational curses on Earth.
February 8, 2023
A golden Buddha appeared next to me as I was attending a zoom meeting. The night before I had participated in singing mantras with my Chenrezig group. In this form, Buddha is the Universal monarch.
The Tree of life drawing from 2012
inspired from Kabbalah teachings.
Interestingly, the tree is drawn with a structure similar to the Essene tree of life. The concept of the man in the tree, the Dove, and the 7 roots were intuitively derived.
A vision from Jan. 28, 2011.
The dragon flying in the heavens is given a gem from a pegasus. In reviewing the sessions, the dragon first appeared in classic blue Chinese form, then as it flew into the heavens it turned into a white female with golden wings and is given an emerald ring. An emerald ring is also worn by the princess in the session predicting Enlightenment written about in 7/2/2024.
Dec. 20, 2020
Helios announced by heralding angels, leading the white horse drawn chariot of the Sun God over the heavens along the celestial path.
Holy meditation
Avalokiteshvara or Tara blessing Earth
Divine Truth enters through the heart to release sweet rain, 2011
August 2, 2022
Appearance of a God to assist with present human moral condition. The intuited teaching is The Bhagavad Gita.
June 21, 2020
The angels gather in the Heavens beaming love energy into Earth's darkened areas. Ironically, the angels were specifically placed over Los Angeles projecting Divine energy.
I was given Eagle Wings during my Kundalini initiation Summer Solstice 1997.
August 25, 2022 Sun Ceremony
Vision of my ancient Atlantean form on throne with laurel wreath (bay leaves are depicted for now). A victory declared for the Light, with Laurel Wreath crowning. We called in an end to suffering for the planet.
Ascended souls live in the Sun beaming Love and Light to the Earth
Christ is depicted as shown in a vision.
The beam of Light to the right of Christ was God adding His signature.